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  • what up doobieus i wanted your expertis on the bubblulicius strain;-), i been feeding both plants the same amount of nuts at the same time, the last time i feed them was a heavy of beastie bloom and cha-ching a lil of both with tiger bloom and big bloom about a week ago, after that is just been big bloom and virma-t and on one of the plants the leaves are turning yellow and i just flushed it today is it posible that the one plant might finish faster the the other one? the other one has no yellow leaves, if most of the leaves are yellow by end of week 8 should i choop it ? thanks for you info,

    i wanted to show some pics but i dont know how to in this PM sorry ill post the in the 250 club thread!
    Hey doob just wanted to stop in and say thanks again for all your help, it seems whenever I need some help your there for me. Your greatly appreciated by myself and thanks for any future help
    Hey Doob,
    Funny that I didn't know you were a lady until a couple weeks ago when you replied that.. "I aint a bro" lol. My wife got a real kick out of it since we have alot of "family" friends and no matter where we go we always get adopted., why not here. ;)
    As far as this latest grow I'm waiting for my newborns to stretch a little so I can start some LST but they are insisting on being bushes, and not leaving room between nodes for tie downs ...if I haven't figured anything else out I have the "be patient" part worked out..
    I'm gonna join your journal thread just to see what a journal is all about. Who knows maybe I'll try one next time around.

    I finally got some pics up would you look at them please tell me what you think its in the 250 thread.... I am having a problem with some lower leaves starting to turn yellow also
    Whats up doobs!!!! Janet has a infection in her chest wound..Not good!!!
    Hope you and kt have a great weekend and easter..

    Love ya,
    Did you see when looking a t the feeding chart that it shows 11 of the nutes being used.
    I mean i don't mind,but are they all really
    Hey Doobs,
    I think you will like it.And i can;t wait myself till she is done.Nothing but dirt going around right now.Doobs if you can go to the humboldt site and click on the feeding schedule part.Go to the 3 part one and click on it.It is showing having to use 11 of their product.My question to you is,doesn't some of this seem repetitive!!!
    Let me know what you think.I already have micro,grow,bloom and humboldt honey coming.Will definitely get Prozym and Big-up powder.Well that is about it for now,gotta get back to work....LOL
    SCRoG is Screen of Green and basically the best way I can describe it is that, the normal nodes that would grow on the main stem as small buds on the main cola, grow out and become their own bud. So you basically get a screen full of buds off of a couple plants.

    With SoG it's a bunch of main cola/bud plants.
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