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  • Right now im running 368watts give or take 10 watts of CFLs and 150w HPS check out my first sig its the first test run in my box flowered with 8 26 watt CFL for 2 oz dry and that was with half 2700K and half 6500K also it was two weeks early so it would have been more. Im a big fan of HPS with mixed CFL spec for side lighting give you tight nodes and dense nuggets.
    hey i was wodering if you flowered with the CFL'S from your (Cfl micro grow box 2nd grow "green house white widow' post?) if so and you didnt mind sharing your experience ide love to see or hear how well it did or if the buds were kind of smaller? The reason why i am so curious, is because I too am using CFL'S and I am flowering just one Yumbolt 47 plant.
    Empty your in box damn , your shit stays fucking full lol stay on top of that shit , delete all msges lol
    I always end up deleting a newbs PM and end up leaving them hanging which i dont like to do if your visiting my profile and i was helping you PM me and bug the shit out of me sometimes i forget:-)
    Damn slim you need to stay on top of your inbox , i cant msg your bitch ass , empty that shit lmao
    Dude stop arguing with dickhead trolls. Your right, they are wrong, and anyone with half a brain can see that. Let douche bags be douche bags.
    What up man. If you need any querkle or bud questions answered just fire them at me. I do sspend more time with plants than on the computer so I will get back to you.
    Im not a woodsman , idk how to make snare traps lol , and i cant sit out their all day waiting for them to show up to shoot with a pellet gun lol
    Im not gonna worry about it right now but this fall im gonna make some changes to the area to keep them out for next grow season
    hows things lad not heard off ya in a while pop by the thread when u get chance say hello..hope things goin ok..doggies nuts pics are a few pages back mate of my outside grow..rep..
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