Hey girl. Just breezin' through as us usual and thought I'd stop and say Hello. Havent talked to you or Doc in forever! I was beginning to think you tow had moved. Catch u later.
I remember music was you first love!!!... so remember way back i said i was gonna move to the big island and be a 'farmer'? Well, i made it happen years later lol made my dream come true
You're a grandma? Awesome!! And I'm glad things are getting better For you... remember cherokee rose? She would post a little in my journal? Well she's been gone awhile also and just started coming back around the forum. She asked about you and how you were doing. I told her i haven't seen you around in forever! lol glad to se you back: D
Hey, I see you are fairly experienced in making tinctures particularly for ecigs. I was wondering if you had a good recipe for using kief in place of actual bud.
Hey Kat... Im new here and im researching how to make e liquid for my personal electric vape pen.... Ive read a lot of post... There was one post where u mention having sum success @ this.... Please help me with a Easy Recipe. I have Glycerin and distilled water but I can buy wuteva is needed... Thanx in advance
Hey man.. Been doing a lot of reading on some of Uncle Ben's threads trying to figure out why my plants are stunted and I think I can attribute it to overload of P. Saw that you are using Jack's Classic and I was wondering if you use that for both veg and bloom? Figured pm would be better then flooding an already flooded thread. Thanks in advance!