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  • Hey man.
    Again I wanted to say thank you. I did a lot of thinking about what you said and now truly better understand how this process works. Just wanted to say thanks for helping me. The info you gave me in that 1 conversation was better than all the info I've been told for the past 3 months.
    So anyway,
    Advice taken and much appreciated!
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    Reactions: InTheValley
    No problem .smoke.... my pleasure ..If you have nothing to do sometime, take a look at GrowBoss on Utube, if you havent yet. Learned alot from him, and totally changed my growing methodology, and now have the best looking plant ive ever grown. He has live shows, LOL, He just got on live right now actually, \, Have a great weekend .smoke, let me know if you need anything man,, Cheers
    he is live friday at 8pmest, and sat and sun 1pmest.

    -education with the grow boss- is his channel name. He takes calls and looks at peoples pics and rips them up, lol
    well, he cancelled the show tonight, due to hands injured. He cancelled the weekend too, first time ever, it was on for like 35 minutes, ok man, take care. just thought id tell ya that,
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    Reactions: .Smoke
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