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  • Hi bonzaseedbank
    Ive ordered from you in the past.
    ive had orders always arrive since back in 2011
    last one arrived about 2-3 weeks ago
    must say ive had good experience w/ your seedbank to date
    Hey, bonzaseedbank. I visited your site. You have great genetics, and look competitive for "pick-n-mix" purchases. I'm down for future orders.(You want to look into adding Black D.O.G. to your Humboldt selections tho)
    I just have one question... How often do you recycle unsold beans?
    Hi, Thanks for your recommendation. As far as unsold beans, I can give you a definitive answer right now and will have to get back to you on the specific answer.
    Hello Bonza Crew. I cant pm. I have my cart full. PM me if you would please. Thank you so much.
    Why look anywhere else for your favorite seeds! Bonza is your only place to go for large selection, competitive prices, and great service.
    Hey just received my seeds about 10-11 business days to get to me, I'm in AK.
    Just wanted to say thanks and that stealth ship was a great laugh for me, I mean that as I thought I got robbed but after pulling out the accessory my seeds were in the back.
    Why join the navy when you can be a pirate.
    Definitely will recommend you guys for shipping now it's all about the germ.
    Hey guys, getting no response from your staff on site. I WANT my tracking number now. Staff on live chat being very skeptic if not impatient with me. namely, Sally. Its been longer than normal for a response from your website and i am an avid australian customer who has done nothing but promote your site here on

    Please contact me back as i am getting very impatient with the non response.
    made an order on the 17th of november with guaranteed shipping waited till 1st of jan inboxed about resend as it clearly wasnt coming got a reply saying to come back tomorrow and they will resend have emailed multiple times still nothing? just want some clarification about my order and whats going on been waiting fairly patiently for 3 months..
    Order #43812
    This is an order made in December, 2014. Are you aware of that?
    No option to do so.
    okay ill message admin i assume this status on your wall is a continuation of our conversation
    Yes thanks. I did eventually manage to send a message but got nothing back. Meanwhile our campaign is nowhere to be seen so we're not delighted as you might imagine.
    its only be a day or less, admin is quite the busy dude, ive sent a message to him personally off of riu inhopes he gets it faster
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