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  • what do u thin k about 15 30 15 thrwe flower outdoors
    what nutrient line is it,i only really use canna ,and i also use advanced nutrients in combo with the canna a/b big bud.Numbers sound ok though but i would defo use a pk spike early then at around week 5
    plenty phos,30 and patty 15 so i would think that sounds fine
    U might get early bloom claw. I'm jus giving my girls 5.8-6 water till I see all clawing gone. It's coming back big time. Hopefully or was jus enough N to really get hey kicked into Bloom phase
    tyke1973, you were good enough to comment on my post "Really confused and could use some direction with 'supercropping'.
    You made the comment about stripping the bottoms off early in the flowering, I'm still in that 'confused' state. Would you mind filling me in a bit as to what I'm supposed to be stripping off?
    What u planting outdoors matey im in cumbria got purple#1 and pineapple ex auto for this year.hope its a good summer
    Also need some pro tips on autopots can uou pm me? Willing to pay for some knowledge to walk me through first few weeks of grow.
    No need to pay dude just in box me
    JcV777 check out my latest thread on Exodus Cheese gives you full line up on how i do my grows in Auto pots
    What's up Tyke, what do u think I'd better sog or reg grow topping and super cropping in a 4x8 ft tent with 4 -600 watt hid ?
    scrog is the best way i have found,i do all my growing that way,But get rid of the hid,and change for a hps in all the time i have been doing this used both and to be honest i use just hps all way through.or keep the hid just for veg but i use cool hoods and its a ball ache to take them all apart to change over
    I will let you know brotha about the grizzly purple!
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    Thank you dude looking for some coulour to put into a breeding project i have going at the minute,i have blueberry that i have done before that did go blue then later during curing lavender,but all ways good to have options did it other year but no color from the g purple.
    If u help buy the seeds and look for the afgoo male or a female orgional cloneI ill give u as many seeds of it as u can grow for life.
    Jahgoo is purplejasmin x afgoo Iive grown it many times and made a number of croses with it unfortunetly I lost the cut in an last second move but I know the parents very well and still have one so all we need is a cut of the origonal afgan x maui haze aka afgoo. Ill look for good seed to so we can find a male.
    Yo jah goo isnt a jamaican strain and that guy who sed jah goo is afgoo x blackberry is ether just making up the same name or full of shit.
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