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  1. bulla

    Philizon led

    so how did those lights work out ?
  2. bulla

    phlizon 2000 cob/led

    phlizon 2000 cob/led just bought one 2 weeks ago haven't used it yet have it all set up, was wondering if anyone has used one of these lights ? please don't tell me to return or get a diy light cause I have it worse case scenario i'll use for clones or something but would like to hear from...
  3. bulla

    Home made co2

    also got about 12 packs of least from mother inlaw she was gonna throw them out so I figured well it cant hurt to try again its free
  4. bulla

    Home made co2

    I have used the home made co2 bottle before with yeast and vinegar not sure if it worked i'm doing the bottle with sugar ,water and yeast now for my seeds whats everyones input on these ? do they work or is it just a waste of time and room .. I see a few bubbles every 3-4 seconds but does it...
  5. bulla

    Hows my plant looking/ Couple questions.

    I understand a longer veg is good but why not LST while doing the longer veg ?
  6. bulla

    DEVIL XXL small

    Does barneys farm ship to the USA ? it don't look like it but that wouldn't make sense since so many people here grow the seeds
  7. bulla


    I've used these test its best to get more soil than pearlight looks like u got almost no soil
  8. bulla

    Hows my plant looking/ Couple questions.

    looks good to me I start LST as soon as I can I would be starting now if it was mine but some people wait till its a little bigger as for watering I I grab a bucket and see how heavy it is if light I water for training LST youtube has tons of how too's
  9. bulla

    Can it be to much light

    I don't think its light I thik its heat at 91 degrees i'd drop that way down . I run a lot of lights I don't ever seem to have a problem with light but with heat ...
  10. bulla

    Dark green leaves?

    if I over load with nutes my leaves turn dark green before they burn up … maybe to much nutes ?
  11. bulla


    i'd give it another 2 days if nothing move on
  12. bulla

    touching fowers while they grow

    Hows everyone feel about touching the flowers while they grow ? I hear the trichs get bruised and that you lose a lot by touching the flower while it grows .. Me myself I touch them ,squeeze 'em , i'm def not afraid to move them around .
  13. bulla

    Best Seed banks ??

    I've been using nirvana for about 15 years and I have bought a lot always sent cash with never a problem
  14. bulla

    Is soil significantly slower than hydro?

    I got just got back into dwc when doing it before it was faster for my veg but pretty even on flowering im just tired of the dirt all over and dust then every once in awhile I get those knats and that's just annoying
  15. bulla

    I heard that weed with seeds is not good weed?

    I've had weed that was loaded with seeds knock my dick into the dirt lmao
  16. bulla

    Ready or not?

    I just got into led about a month ago got 1st lights 2 weeks ago my cobb/led is 451 watts at wall if I was using 800 watts off wall I wouldn't be using a led unless it equaled huge output :):) so I think the 800 is confused with what his light is equal too of a MH or HPS
  17. bulla

    Are these seedlings looking ok?

    they look good ….this is mine 24 hrs after popping dirt surface but I also have same strain planted same day and 3-5 are looking like yours ..they will take off
  18. bulla

    Crunched for time but cant tell if its harvest time

    I don't go by pistol color but I look for leaves yellowing this tells me the plant is on its way out I agree with beercan you def need more time
  19. bulla

    Ready or not?

    I see no yellowing leaves , I normally wait for some yellowing leaves then look at trichs i'd give them about 2 weeks and then look at trichs
  20. bulla

    Topping update/switch to 12/12???? HELP

    24 inches to grow isn't much i'd give them a week and flip lights i'd also get a lot of wire to bend them down now