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  1. Q

    best things to do with resin

    And this is wat i prefer on the norm
  2. Q

    best things to do with resin

    Yeaa truu i really only have it for really hard times when im broke
  3. Q

    best things to do with resin

    Im new (don't know how to start thread so maybe ill get some answers at least for my question. It is resin related i scraped a big ball of res i rolled it around in lots of shake until covered like 2 weeks ago now i scraped it again n covered all over the older ball with the fresh res, then...
  4. Q

    best things to do with resin

    I totally agree the people saying resin is mostly str8 thc are 100% wrong its mostly tar and ash and 1-3% thc. So unless u wanna mix a shit load of tar into your butter for only 3% thc. Id go with rolling it around it lots of shake n mix that with a lil str8 bud n it burn prettt good cant taste...
  5. Q

    best things to do with resin

    Yea u can separate, earlytoker was claiming it was mostly str8 up thc. But 3% aint shit
  6. Q

    best things to do with resin

    Ok so then you still only have 1-3 percent thc thats not much at all. Iso def does not increase thc percentage
  7. Q

    best things to do with resin

    Um he definitely never said anything about rolling it in a paper he said he squeezed the water out then rolled the actual res ball up with his fingers and put that ball in the freezee
  8. Q

    best things to do with resin

    Yea i totally agree the people saying "that stuff is mostly ! Umm literally almost nobody knows its str8 up thc cuz its not true. Most people know that it is mostly tar and ash and about 1-3%. Quick Google search tell ya that