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  1. S

    curing containers?

    I hung them for around 7 days some 10 and put em in a gallon size plastic jar for around 2 weeks smell is lacking and taste is no better. I have the second batch hanging now, really wet still! i'm going to keep em up till they are a little moist in the middle but dry on the outside then jar...
  2. S

    curing containers?

    please tell me what you cure in and why? i tried a plastic jar and im not sure if i messed up.
  3. S

    help with taste

    How do i make it smell/taste better? Can i cure in a plastic jar or does it have to be a glass jar? I have a gallon size plastic jar and it has been in there for 2 weeks now and its still not great smelling i also have the second part of the harvest hanging still because there is too much to...