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  1. mismos00

    Canada growing penalty?

    The conservatives are currently trying to pass legislation for a mandatory minimum 6 months sentence for a single plant. Mandatory minimums (US style law) are apparently very popular with the people... but people assume it is for violent crimes... and Harper says his party doesn't look at any...
  2. mismos00

    Dj Short how to Harvest your Herb There seems to be some science surrounding the potency issue as well! (Better safe than sorry) I'm sure if it does increase potency or taste, it wouldn't be a very large, or easily noticeable amount. I personally, after reading another...
  3. mismos00

    Dj Short how to Harvest your Herb

    I've read it has nothing to do with potency, but having to do with taste. (I believe I read it in High Times) Paraphrased from memory: "Certain chemicals that the plant uses during the day are stored in the roots at night. When the plant senses the oncoming day, these chemicals (I believe...
  4. mismos00

    What's the best approch when the lights/power goes out during flowering?

    So the power went out last night for almost 2 hours! I couldn't decide which option would cause the least amount of stress to my plants. 1. Let the lights come back on when the power does (adjusting the timer to the correct time also). This interruption results in my plants getting 4 hours of...
  5. mismos00

    Hardroc's Green House Bubba Kush

    Hhmmm, I've been wondering about Greenhouses new Bubba Kush strain. Very interested to see how they turn out for you.
  6. mismos00

    Vote for Legalization question to be put to Canadian PM!

    Thanks... bud... Rep for you! This link is better... orders the questions by popularity... and the top 2 question are in regards to legalization of MJ!
  7. mismos00

    Canadain Growers Club

    Don't you have a youtube account? Google is essential for interwebing! This is a better link... orders all questions by popularity.
  8. mismos00

    Vote for Legalization question to be put to Canadian PM! The following is a forward from the site... Hey , here's your chance to ask Stephen Harper about Marijuana Legalization! Canadian...
  9. mismos00

    Canadain Growers Club

    Check it out... this was forwarded to me from the great site "". Apparently you can submit questions to the Prime Minister, as well as vote for the questions of others. The top 2 questions are currently related to legalization. Let's keep it that way. Post on your facebook or...
  10. mismos00

    Long list of seedbanks.

    "Cannabis-Seedbank" is absolutely, 100% a scam site. They do send you seeds but they are never the strain advertised... all seeds you get from them with be the same stretchy, fluffy, shwag that takes forever to finish and tastes like shit. I grew out what were...
  11. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Enjoy your sexy theories everyone... I understand reality and science are pretty dull. nite.
  12. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    oh, conspiracy theory theory... interesting... fact remains you believe something so ridiculous and grand I don't know where to begin. The facts are overwhelming... the hoax thing is really stretching a few minor issues in an edifice that is very solid. I'm sorry, but this is completely a...
  13. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Wow, Mike is a real asshole... you can throw out that whole graph out if you want, or the whole study... there are still thousands more that show the same thing. Even with that minor decline left in, it still shows the facts.
  14. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    ok, now I'm done... continue discussion of your conspiracy theories... Just remember to respect science as the only method of getting at the truth we have, and the reason that we are all so rich.
  15. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    I bet scientist know a lot more about the sun cycles than you... the sun cycle is like between 9-14 years... if it affects the climate, which it doesn't, it would be a warming, cooling cycle of 10 years, be would already know about that affect by now. Do you just say the first thing that pops...
  16. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    I read most of it... they found someone using the word 'trick'... they found an exaggerated claim... they found a bad citation... they are missing some raw data. Is that the most of it? Mostly pretty petty if you ask me. It's like finding a misprint in a text book and throwing out the whole...
  17. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Sorry, the women is going to be late picking me up from work. I got another 20 minutes to stick around a toss feces.
  18. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Isn't all of this tied up with the tea-baggers and the birthers and the 911 truthers? Grand claims require grand evidence. The organization that would be required for this kind of deception and conspiracy is enormous... half the world would have to be in on it. I find it mind-boggling that...
  19. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    All that has happened??? Can't sell it to the public??? Science doesn't have anything to do with public opinion or democracy, it starts and ends with proof. I just can't buy this supposed World Wide, decades long, conspiracy shit. That kind of conspiracy is actually impossible and big foot...
  20. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Alright guys... I'm out here... thanks for the laughs... oh look, it's snowing... scientist must be dumb. lol