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  1. H

    Round 3!

    Got it! Thank you
  2. H

    Round 3!

    How should I treat it?
  3. H

    Round 3!

    I have not used coco before. I forgot I had to start in smaller pots. Is it too late to transport?
  4. H

    Round 3!

    Thanks folks, I was kinda worried lol
  5. H

    Round 3!

    Thank you for the tips. I got caught up in the size of tent to pots ratio and calculated everything based on that. 4x4x6 tent, four pots. My medium is mother nature Coco and perlite. My nutrients is royal gold grow.
  6. H

    Round 3!

    Hello everyone So started growing again and now I have a grow tent. Can anyone tell me what this white stuff is growing around the seedlings?
  7. H

    Growing indoor Round 2!

    Do I absolutely need this kind of setup? Do I need the big fancy fan, heaters and humidifiers?
  8. H

    Growing indoor Round 2!

    Greetings earthlings, I moved out of my apartment to a house. Now I have garage space for a grow tent. I was looking at some of the grow tent kits out there and realized some of the stuff included I really don't need. What size is ideal for at least 4 plants? What wattage of light should I look...
  9. H

    Is it ready?

    This is my 3rd shot at growing so I know there's some faults but I just want to know if it's ready for harvest. Last I recorded, it was around 2 months 4 weeks old. Now it's probably into 4 possibly 5 months in. I was told to use a magnifying glass to check the trichomes, then the guy attempted...
  10. H

    Advice for Overall Plant Growth

    Can I trim any of the top so it doesn't reach the light?
  11. H

    Advice for Overall Plant Growth

    This is my new plant, it's a month and 3 weeks old. Can I trim any of the top so it doest reach the light?
  12. H

    Advice for Overall Plant Growth

    I aint gon lie, I dont remember. If i could guess based off my other posts id say around the beginning to middle of August
  13. H

    Advice for Overall Plant Growth

    Is it about time to cut and trim?
  14. H

    Plant age

    Does it look it like it could be at least 3-4 weeks old?
  15. H

    Plant age

    Ok. Any tips for where its at so far?
  16. H

    Plant age

    Is there a way to tell how old a plant just by looking at it?
  17. H

    Can i cut these?

    Thank you very much! Im still learning, keep teaching me.
  18. H

    Can i cut these?

    Greetings again folks. Here's an update on my plant. We are now on week 16. Leaves are growing back in full on top. Im not sure about these bottom branches though. Should i cut them? Should i cut the undergrown leaves? Is this worth continuing? If not for flower than ill use it for clones.
  19. H

    Can i cut these?

    cmon yall cut me some slack. My big mistake was i used a 32 watt lamp up until day 44 and then was informed ot wasnt enough so i got a 1000 watt light. Local green shop told me to use great white and revive. Should i trim anymore or have i done enough? Lmao
  20. H

    Can i cut these?

    Ok please dont judge me lol. I may have done a little more trimming then necessary but im new at this. These top leaves tho, can they be trimmed?