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  1. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    This is a tactic I expected the guy with the yoda sig to use lol. black=white, up=down... Well I guess in your defense if you actually think I'm a nazi and I'm defending myself technically in your view I'm defending a nazi. Good luck with your "activism" lol. Bye bye.
  2. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Holy shit, now here's the other extreme side I can't agree with lol. You're all immigrants, your forefathers all ran away from something, and they even killed others to get that place that you call home now lol. And the biggest reason lots of places are such shitholes that people want to escape...
  3. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    I like how you're snooping around on my profile while apparently you have your own profile blocked, just like all these other warriors here seem to have done lol. Did you find what you were looking for? I wonder what you ppl have to hide that you feel the need to block your profile. Yep I...
  4. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Lol you people are literally insane. This can't be real. You're not all sock puppets are you?
  5. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    I doubt it, I don't give a shit about tradition and I'm very welcoming to change.
  6. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Damn you must be some kind of govt sock puppet or just a very sad troll. Keep trying to divert the attention from what actually matters, evil govt scumbags always dividing the ppl so the attention is diverted from all the corruption and actual injustice lol.
  7. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Sure, that's a lame excuse to not have to address my arguments, probably because you know I'm right. But of course you're not going to come even close to admitting that, because if you doubt even one thing those fascists claim then you're a nazi and whatnot. Don't be a pussy man, thinking for...
  8. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Haha, and he tapped out ladies and gents! Don't want to have an actual discussion? Who would have thought. And you're even slow shaming and judging me for the amount of time I spent here since I registered. I feel very offended man. Gotta retreat to my safespace. brb.
  9. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Sure. I haven't much to add. That's just like, your opinion maaan... You might not agree with what I wrote but I surely added lots more to this thread than you did. You might want to address my arguments instead of diverting the attention away from the actual topic and start talking about likes...
  10. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    Yea I guess I'm going to do this. Probably just let it age for 1 month though, luckily I'm immune to dares lol, I'm not that much of a fan of ingesting weed, as it's not that predictable and usually hits me way harder than smoking it so I'll not go overboard right away. Maybe if I liked it I...
  11. W

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Thanks, wow I have 5 likes? Yay! I have been trying very hard to get likes by not posting on this website for close to 2 years. Good to see my efforts paid off. :mrgreen: You thought wrong. I'm always open to the possibility that I'm wrong and I might be the one who is close minded, in fact I...
  12. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    I wonder if it's really worth it for me trying to do this. I was thinking of maybe doing it with 10 grams or something, I doubt I will end up with a lot of concentrate from that amount of weed. And can I just smoke that stuff in a joint or would I need a dab rig for that? I think I'm just going...
  13. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    Less to bind to meaning it will probably extract less cannabinoids from the weed than with stronger alcohol? I have no idea what an iso extraction is so I will stay away from it lol. Thanks for the help man, and good luck with making your own e-juice. Ok I'm pretty sure you are (sort of) right...
  14. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    Thanks man. Ok, that's the first time I hear that. Are you sure? Guess I'm doing it wrong then. So what would happen if I did do it with 75 proof? Would less cannabinoids be extracted? I guess I'm going to see what higher proof alcohol I can get around here first. Thanks for the info though.
  15. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    I have been smoking this stuff for a bit and now I think it's actually getting a little bit stronger. I guess the stuff I started smoking at the beginning was all small stuff from the bottom of the plant that never had enough light to really develop into decent buds, so I'm guessing maybe it was...
  16. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    Wine enemas lol. How is that a thing? I know it's possible but why the fuck would anyone do that. But I guess ppl put weirder things up their ass so I'm sure it's a thing lol. Let me guess, is it a hipster thing? ;-P Would heat remove alcohol if it was trapped in bubbles in the concentrate? I...
  17. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    I thought I found a plant that thrives in harsh conditions, that's one of the reasons why I stuck to White Widow, it's supposed to be easy to grow and able to withstand harsh conditions, and it seemed to work for me until now. I guess the temperature raise in my grow room that mysteriously...
  18. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    I saw something written about letting the alcohol vaporize, which if it works should leave you with product that you should be able to smoke or am I missing something? I would just be worried about the alcohol not being vaporized completely and then burning my lungs by inhaling burning alcohol...
  19. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    I'm wondering now, is it even possible for a plant that has decent genetics and seemed to do fine the whole time while growing and has seemingly well developed buds to virtually have no psychoactivity at all? Or is it more likely a genetic problem? I'm sure that you can fuck up the potency of...
  20. W

    VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

    Maybe but I doubt it. I don't really smoke THAT much most of the time. I smoke often but not that much so I doubt my tolerance can be that high atm. And my tolerance is usually back to normal or at least close to it in 2 or 3 days of not smoking. I tried smoking a lot more of this shit than I...