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  1. abaloneandbuds

    Quick help with plant symptoms

    Hey guys I can't get the pics to upload. I have a pest. They're big enough to be seen by the naked eye, and look like tiny little white worms. They also crawl pretty fast. They're about as long as the secondary veins are wide. Pyrethrins and neem oil aren't killing them... I'll try to...
  2. abaloneandbuds

    Quick help with plant symptoms

    Hey all, I have new setup, running 1/2 Citi 1212 3000k and half 3500k. Light is at ~35w/sf of canopy, pretty high above the canopy to smooth hotspots. From my old thread i calculate I'm somewhere around 700ppfd. Plants are GSC clones in soil. Soil was a little warm at planting but hasn't...
  3. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    I'm closer to 1250ma. They were at 24 inches. I'm going to basically double my area for the next run and turn them back up to 1400ma. Of course, right now the lights aren't on...
  4. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Thanks. Because I seemed to be getting bleaching, I moved them to be about 4ft above the canopy. Next run, I'll be spreading them out about 50% and moving them closer in hopes of improving yeild per watt.
  5. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Yes, that it would do relatively well.
  6. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    It's important to remember that lumens (and therefore lux) are heavily weighted to the green portion of the light spectrum, because that's what human eyes respond best to- but leaves do a pretty good job reflecting green. Hence the saying, lumens are for humans. These Led's spectrum is...
  7. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Lux meter ranged from 25000 on the edges to 38000 in the center. One plant with the issues is on the edge, the other in the center.
  8. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    I had some heat stress when I was running up to 80f. I bumped night Temps to 65f. I'll look into the apps for intensity measurements. 70 cobs, 23 drivers, 70 pads, holders and reflectors for $2050.
  9. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Alright, two of my girls look like they're getting way too hot... only it hasn't been hotter than 75f. Only two things have happened in the same time frame. I stopped CO2, and I started watering without nutrients... Any thoughts on what I might be fighting here? Thanks in advance.
  10. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Day 38 and impatience is setting in bad bad bad. Pocket microscope is ordered. I should have trimmed out 50% more than I did before the switch, as my colas are a little small, but my secondary buds aren't looking bad so I'll live with it.
  11. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Sounds awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks!
  12. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Hey blaze, Yeah originally I was doing some reading that suggested it was good for keeping the feed oxygenated. Then I heard about it killing the microbes and dropped it. Since then I've added in formic acid and b1, and ran a couple of waterings with a microbe seeding supplement.
  13. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Thought I'd give you guys an update. Trimmed off a bathroom wastebasket of water leaves and switched to flower. Temp controller is installed, set for 63f nights and 77f days, and holding to that pretty well. I'm always amazed how they respond so positively to trimming. Beta of the...
  14. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Slow going, been working 60+ hours, but I got my gals in. Running 18/6 right now in 5 gal vermicrop potting soil. Watering with 5gal water, calimagic, armor si, and h2o2. The AC is drawing air through my radiator. It's all pretty ugly but functional right now. The ac has been pretending to be a...
  15. abaloneandbuds

    1000w Citizen CLU048 1212 Garden

    Frosty stuff dude good growin.
  16. abaloneandbuds

    Is a 1/2 Pound per Light Considered a Good Yield?

    5 315w fixtures or 5 630w?
  17. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Well, no rest for the wicked. Room is built out to 2.6m × 2.6m. Comes to 6.75m2, which brings me into the 1200ppfd range. I'll probably dim it into the 1000 ish range. Co2 setup and plants are arriving in the next two days
  18. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    No, I built them with the assistance of a local welder. I've been approached but a few shops about building a commercial fixture, and will probably be designing one soon here. This setup will be a test bed for spacing, power, Temps, flows, etc
  19. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    I'm spreading them out because of the extra light. The heatsinks are liquid heat exchangers. Goal for the design was less than a 5°c rise at specified power.
  20. abaloneandbuds

    Citizen grow

    Correct, they're rated for 185w and I'll only be able to get about 150 out of them. I have 23, so 22 will have 3 cobs and one will have 4.