Search results

  1. jamboss

    Marijuana Legalization, what will the cops do when 80% of their work doesn't exist?

    This is off topic but fuck the fucking jews.
  2. jamboss

    My Little Brother Died

    How did he die? When did he die?
  3. jamboss

    Ants eating my stalks at the soil line - HELP

    I use sevins with good results.
  4. jamboss

    Who will kill Walter White?

    When does it start back? I just made that pic my wallpaper.
  5. jamboss

    what browser do you prefer??

    I have been using firefox for years, but a month ago i downloaded chrome and hated it. I remember over a decade ago there was netscape navigator or something.
  6. jamboss

    ghost train haze #1 pre 98 bubba kush og kush ace of spades mainlined in supersoil

    In my honest opinion all those plants looked as if they were prematurely harvested. All of them!
  7. jamboss

    AMS is it ready to harvest?

    It's not ready come back in 2 weeks and show an updated pic.
  8. jamboss

    Where is Carne Seca? Where have all the cowboys gong

    wonder woman, kuroi, shannon, wetdog a few more MIA's.:cry:
  9. jamboss

    greenhouse seeds fem super bud got a male out of a ten pack

    The only thing i'd buy from them is the SLH, and i read one great review on here about the gret white shark. Even then i'd go with shanti's shark shock, which is the same thing just probably times better.
  10. jamboss

    greenhouse seeds fem super bud got a male out of a ten pack

    I really really really don't understand why in this day and age persons still buy seeds from GHS, i mean fuck. Really fuckkkkkk!
  11. jamboss

    Water Retention Crystals?

    So you mix them with the soil? Or throw them in the hole first?
  12. jamboss

    Sour Diesel?

    From what I've read sour d is made up of, chem that was taken to another area and renamed diesel which would be the 'original diesel' i see being thrown around here so much, crossed with 'mass super skunk x NL'. The latter supposedly hermd and pollinated the diesel and from that sour d was born...
  13. jamboss

    People from the heartland

    Is it a snail of some sort, I'm confused.
  14. jamboss

    christmas grinch???

    I read it, but what is the response you're expecting?
  15. jamboss

    The true story of Super Roach...

    If everyone were like that the world would be a better place.
  16. jamboss

    Strains with great taste. :)

    It has a lot to do with, if the herb reached maturity from my past experiences.
  17. jamboss

    The true story of Super Roach...

    Think he's related to super spliff?
  18. jamboss

    Help me please! It's about a girl.

    if theyre Cadbury roses you know exactly what youre getting, just look at the side of the box.
  19. jamboss

    Who feels like arguing?

    It's just the internet my friend.
  20. jamboss

    9 wks into flower no smell

    Thoughts a plenty none I will share, hey whats that some to spare!??