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  1. Thc247

    ThC247 Grow Diary (AutoPot)

    spent a good few hours today grafting got a 2nd net in place cleaned res and spreyed top dressing on pots with neem oil to keep any little cunts out refilled tank to 1.2 EC PH 6.5 AGAIN the TANK IS TURNED OFF for a dry period and timers have been changed to 12/12 i will switch the tank back on...
  2. Thc247

    The UK Growers Thread!

    na man wud be a bit hot me posting pics like that if it was mine
  3. Thc247

    The UK Growers Thread!

    top of the morning to ya's i dont know if i shared this with you previously i just come across it but here is a good reminder to everyone that forgets how dangerous ya electric can be he used to wire his meter up at night wen his lights was on he was very very lucky as the fire sustained itself...
  4. Thc247

    ThC247 Grow Diary (AutoPot)

  5. Thc247

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    i definately second this about canopy management its all about maximising your light potential and spunking as least as possible
  6. Thc247

    150 watt hps way too hott for tent.

    what are the temps in the room that the tent is located
  7. Thc247

    150 watt hps way too hott for tent.

    are you supplying any fresh air back into the tent and where are you extracting to ?
  8. Thc247

    ThC247 Grow Diary (AutoPot)

    refilled tank yesterday after leaving it empty for 2 days 100l ph 6.5 ec 1.2 the net is filling out nicely pics to come later
  9. Thc247

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hungry ass plant tha zeddd serious fookin starver lol
  10. Thc247


    16 mate 4 under each light i have since tightened the net up and been tucking the branches under as they grow through i will be adding more pics to my diary later or tomoro previosly i used the nets as support but this is the first time i decided to train then into the net and i can tell already...
  11. Thc247

    Removing scrog during early flower stage?

    with scrog you want it in there from earlie and train the plant as it grows through the net keep tucking it back under allowing a branch to grow through each hole and keep tucking under until the net is 2/3 full then flower try to get a bud spot in each square space if u removed ur net i would...
  12. Thc247

    How to fat'n up my girl

    some serious stretch there mate and i think come harvest time you will be a bit disappointed there as the tops near the light will be ok but the further down you get away from the light the buds will suffer more and more and by the pics it only looks like a couple of buds at the tops will be any...
  13. Thc247

    30 - 40 cm plants in 15 litre pots how much water ?

    i would at first water with about 3 l each and then leave for a whole week then i would be giving about 2l every 2 days until they get bigger then i would water 3l every 2 days
  14. Thc247

    ThC247 Grow Diary (AutoPot)

    ok so here is my nutrient details water left for 24 hours in a water butt my water b4 adding anything my ph 7.8 Ec 562 us per 25 l of water i add 6ml superthrive 50ml Rhizotonic 90ml Terra Vega after adding nutes Ec 109x10=1090 converted is 1.1 my ph reads between 7.8-8.0 i use ph down...
  15. Thc247

    Can we have a discussion about Bennie's and Fungi

    i only once used benneficial bacteria once not last run the one before and honestly it was my best harvest to date i run the same strain in exact same setup every time and decided recently i will be using it in future i used the plant magic and recieved it as a tester b4 i cant state what it...
  16. Thc247

    To water between feedings or...

    thats not as bad as mine tho i get 568 out the tap
  17. Thc247

    To water between feedings or...

    are you still giving these veg nutes ? check your bottles and see as the plants would normally of used up alot of N this stage of growth i would think they are prob getting N in the feed and imo N slows down flowering past 2nd - 3rd week of flower
  18. Thc247

    To water between feedings or...

    wow thats high ppms but if your plants are loving it great what line of nutes you adding to get that high also whats your water like b4 adding anything ?
  19. Thc247

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i use top booster as a pk booster for 1 week at 15ml - 10 l but i run budxl every feed from week 3 1ml per l week 2 flower i will show it the budxl very light
  20. Thc247

    The UK Growers Thread!

    nah bruv that wasnt me on shogun or are you saying i shud use shogun when i move to coco