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  1. TrimothyLeary

    Can't tell if plants are male or female?

    If it were me, I'd get out of the milk jug and into a legitimate pot for a couple weeks before considering flowering it out. I've never grown in one before, but I feel like it may not go too well, later in flower. I'd get into a 3 gallon pot, get back on a veg cycle, and let it grow into the...
  2. TrimothyLeary

    Bud worms

    Yes. You can use BT to the day of harvest. I'd probably stop two weeks out, just because, but technically you're safe.
  3. TrimothyLeary

    bruce banner&northen express auto grow

    Bruce Banner Auto Seed? Well, I'm sure it'll be something. I'd actually recommend a single, well trained plant in that space under that light. You'll get more yield, and probably a better grow experience. I admit to doing a couple heterogeneous SOGs just for variety, but I found it to be a...
  4. TrimothyLeary

    First signs of trouble.. or over loving?

    I don't know man, maybe a clump of unmixed amendment, or uneven watering. If all the plants are being treated the same, and you're not seeing signs of bugs or anything, that's all I can think of.
  5. TrimothyLeary

    MOLD HELP!!!!

    You can't treat it. You might kill the mold, but it'll still be mold. All you can do is extract the THC, leaving behind the plant matter. Alcohol and Butane are common. I guess you could do rosin, but the mold could contaminate that pretty easily. If it were me, I'd just toss it in the...
  6. TrimothyLeary

    MOLD HELP!!!!

    Moldy buds should never be smoked. Ever. You could make an extract with a solvent. That should keep you safe enough. Of course, working with solvents isn't all that safe either, but you aren't inhaling mold.
  7. TrimothyLeary

    Can't tell if plants are male or female?

    Unless it's an Auto, changing your light schedule means, when did you start having your light turn off for 12 straight hours for each 24 hour period. Most Cannabis requires 12 straight, uninterrupted hours of darkness, to successfully flower and produce quality bud.
  8. TrimothyLeary

    Can't tell if plants are male or female?

    Indoors? Outdoors? Is that a milk jug? Take a closer shot near the stem, where the new branches are pushing out.
  9. TrimothyLeary


    Yeah, I'd keep the exhaust going at all times, or at least on a frequent timer. You may want to check out some guides on making your exhaust system more efficient. You can waste a lot of energy and reduce the lifespan of fans if the space isn't configured properly. Your intake sounds small...
  10. TrimothyLeary


    80 is a little high but not necessarily a problem. 75 is about optimum. Your humidity is fine, but in flower you may want to drop it to avoid mold. I've never experienced mold indoors myself, at similar RH. An oscillating fan is great at moving air, and works well for cooling your plant...
  11. TrimothyLeary


    Make sure to pay attention to your temps and humidity, for both day and night.. These are two of your limiting factors that many ignore, to their disadvantage. You can probably drop that light by a couple more inches. Definitely do so if they get leggy. What is your plan for feeding? I've...
  12. TrimothyLeary

    Am I ready getting close to my 1st Harvest Festiville?

    From the looks of it, you've got another three weeks at least. Hopefully, those are tiny buds right now. But besides that, that's outside, and I wouldn't expect it to be ready until at least early October. Most say to harvest before trichomes are all amber. Color of the stigmas isn't a...
  13. TrimothyLeary

    Pistils are gone?

    Thats pretty hot. There are gardening misters that combine a fan and a fine sprayer nozzle, that can drop temps considerably. I have no idea how much those cost, but I know they work. What about watering? At temps that high, even in the ground, you probably need to water a lot. The leaves...
  14. TrimothyLeary

    Pistils are gone?

    They look super crispy, and is that mite damage on the leaves? Outdoors. In pots or in the ground? What's the size and medium? Are you feeding anything? What's been your average temps and humidity? And how much direct sun per day?
  15. TrimothyLeary

    2 weeks in flower and still no signs of nothing!

    Alright, well so far you're doing good, the plant looks nice and healthy. You're probably just inhibiting flowering with your high nitrogen nutrient regimen. Feed a bloom booster, or if possible, get a two or three part nutrient system. Start feeding for week 1 of flower, or just follow the...
  16. TrimothyLeary

    2 weeks in flower and still no signs of nothing!

    What kind of high N fertilizer? Does it indicate how long it lasts? You'll want a bloom fertilizer, and you'll want to use it in your next watering. No need to keep the hours even, maybe just go to 13 dark, see what happens. Remember you can always bend and prune to size. Dark tiger...
  17. TrimothyLeary

    2 weeks in flower and still no signs of nothing!

    I've made the light mistake before. Timer was set but I had switched it to bypass. What have you been feeding, when you feed? Any idea of the variety? I've heard of some Sativas requiring longer than 12 dark, particularly with lower light levels during day. They can also get quite tall, and...
  18. TrimothyLeary

    Organic soil

    Outdoors in the ground.
  19. TrimothyLeary

    Help identify the problem

    Looks fungal. Cercospora? More airflow/spacing, and you'll need a fungicide.
  20. TrimothyLeary

    The snozberries taste like snozberries! RIP Gene Wilder

    The snozberries taste like snozberries! RIP Gene Wilder