Search results

  1. TechnoMage

    Air-Pot vs standard pot grow from clones. 600w in a tent

    It will be on some type of timer. The design I'm playing with will be a pump/gravity drip. It would run something like this: 5-10 gallon bucket below filled with water and a pump. I'll probably have a small 2nd circulation pump in the bucket that will run all the time to keep the organics in...
  2. TechnoMage

    A perfect cure every time

    I've got some photos of 2 year old weed in a thread I started.
  3. TechnoMage

    Inexpensive Mylar replacement.

    Flat white paint. Easy to clean and if it gets too dirty, just throw on another coat. Mylar is a PITA to work with and a bitch to clean. And once it gets dirty, it's reflectivity drops fast.
  4. TechnoMage

    Mother and Veg Cab rebuild

    Thanks LT. It's more for keeping things out more than anything else. The fans are pulling too much air through the filters, especially since it's not very air tight
  5. TechnoMage

    Ice Pinch Bowl

    Same guy I buy from but on the iOffer site. I also get the flared version.
  6. TechnoMage

    A perfect cure every time

    The reason I like to hit 60% is I want the moisture really low but able 55% where curing starts. I often have jars vacuumed sealed for years at a time and I don't want to worry about mold.
  7. TechnoMage

    the cost of weed in seattle

    It doesn't matter if there are places to purchase weed legally or not. It is 100% legal for you to possess and you aren't required to say how it came into your possession.
  8. TechnoMage

    the cost of weed in seattle

    Why would they have to show a card? Anyone can have up to an ounce on them. From the Seattle Police Blotter. Can I legally carry around an ounce of marijuana? According to the recently passed initiative, beginning December 6th, adults over the age of 21 will be able to carry up to an ounce of...
  9. TechnoMage

    Mother and Veg Cab rebuild

    Mother plants just make is so easy. No worrying about sexing the plants, or if your seeds are going to get confiscated. If an order gets confiscated, I fall back to one of my mother plants and grow that strain instead.
  10. TechnoMage

    A perfect cure every time

    First off, everything depends on your drying conditions. High/Low humidity/temps can really affect things. My house usually sits around 35-40% humidity and 72 degrees. I dry on a rack for a couple of days, then do another couple of days in paper bags. Once my hygrometer is registering...
  11. TechnoMage

    the cost of weed in seattle

    I haven't heard of any prosecutions in state for simple possession since the law passed and I know of several cases that were dropped. The Federal announcement yesterday was definitely a welcome addition however.
  12. TechnoMage

    Mother and Veg Cab rebuild

    I've had one strain, my Hashberry/Lockdown cross, that I've kept a mother of since 2006. Problem was that I've added a couple of other mothers (Pineapple Express, Purple Haze) and was running out of room. That and the 2' shop lights didn't really fit and were sorta wedged in. This also lets...
  13. TechnoMage

    Mother and Veg Cab rebuild

    I've been using some Home Depot cabs for my Mother and Veg cabs but they were only 24" wide which was just a little bit on the small side so I built some new ones out over the weekend. I am not worried about either light or odor control. Here's what the cabinets look like from the outside...
  14. TechnoMage

    Purple Haze & Pineapple Express

    I chopped them last night. Total days: 172 Veg: 108 Flower: 60 Right before the chop. Two racks full of drying bud. Purple Haze on the bottom, Pineapple Express on top.
  15. TechnoMage

    A perfect cure every time

    Not sure how much help that would be since they max out at 60% which is right about where I want to lock my RH at. Too bad they don't come in a 40%-80% range.
  16. TechnoMage

    Purple Haze & Pineapple Express

    Another update Total days: 165 Veg: 108 Flower: 53 Notes: ------------------------------- Shot of the girls Bud shot from the Pineapple Express Microscope shot #1 Pineapple Express Microscope shot #2 Pineapple Express Microscope shot #1 Purple Haze Microscope shot #2 Purple Haze...
  17. TechnoMage

    question about brands of 4" inline fans - cyclone, ipower, hydrofarm active air

    I don't know why you say slowing the fan won't help a lot. Because there is a 5th power relation between noise level and fan speed, a small change in fan speed will cause a large change in fan noise. The equation for determining the noise level of a fan at less than full speed is given below...
  18. TechnoMage

    Purple Haze & Pineapple Express

    As promised. Update plus some photos. Total days: 158 Veg: 108 Flower: 46 Notes: ------------------------------- Purple Haze especially is starting to die back now that it's at the end of it's flower. Shot of the two girls Shot of the Purple Haze Shot of a Pineapple Express bud...
  19. TechnoMage

    Purple Haze & Pineapple Express

    Yeah they are doing fine. I'll get some new photos up tonight and I'll probably take a sample to check out trichs under microscope.
  20. TechnoMage

    Gave my plant the chop and finished the trimming with a spin trimmer.

    Thanks STB. It's a Black Leaf Nautilus Layback. $75 from GrassCity and worth every penny. I like it so much that I bought two of them. Because the bowl joint is vertical, I had to get an angle connector to fit the bong and my ash catcher together. Cleaning could be a pain because of the...