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  1. TheJmann91

    Yellowing bottom leaves before flower...

    Yeah man I totally follow you, I feel the exact same way when it comes to yellowing leaves too, which is why I’m a little freaked out about what’s going on with my girls. I PH all my water and nutes before I feed, I give them all my undivided attention, I stay on top of pests, mildew, fungus and...
  2. TheJmann91

    Yellowing bottom leaves before flower...

    Thanks man I really appreciate that :) for my first year I’m pretty proud of myself haha. But it’s definitely a full time job taking care of these babies! I can’t believe some of you guys grow hundreds of plants at a time! Man would I love to quit my full time job and be a commercial grower...
  3. TheJmann91

    Yellowing bottom leaves before flower...

    So hey guys, I’m pretty new to posting here but I’ve been lurking a long time on this site. This year has been my first ever real grow, and since Maine leagalized recreational weed a few years back I wanted to give it a shot and man, I’m pretty proud of myself how my girls have turned out so...
  4. TheJmann91

    Help identifying....

    You know what man, you might actually be right. They do somewhat resemble what I was seeing, but the only reason I didn’t think it was thrips is because thrips seem to be more of a clear or dark color and these bugs I found, as you can see from the pic, seemed almost pure white like a chalk...
  5. TheJmann91

    Help identifying....

    Hey man thanks for the reply. I’ve looked up pictures of thrips and unless it’s some type of thrip I have never seen it doesn’t seem to be what they are. Plus there was no damage to my leaves either and thrips can definitely mess a plant up pretty bad! Like I said I haven’t seen them ever since...
  6. TheJmann91

    Help identifying....

    So just an update......i have still yet to figure out what kinda of bug this was i found on my Bigfoot OG....I have looked far and wide, searched through almost every bug thread on this site and many others and still can't figure out what this is. I'm kinda hoping someone out there has seen...
  7. TheJmann91

    Help identifying....

    This seems like a slow moving forum so I hope eventually someone comes along that knows what these things are. I’ve looked at pictures of thrips and while they look similar, from what I understand thrips aren’t white like these so I don’t think that’s it. I don’t know, I’m totally stumped. These...
  8. TheJmann91

    Help identifying....

    Hey guys first post here, and I need some help identifying what kind of pest I just found on one of my plants is.....I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find anything about these. The only thing they somewhat resemble is a soil mite, but they look different...if it helps any I found this on my...