Search results

  1. kindbot

    Kindbot Buddy: Real-time cannabis plant diagnosis

    Yes! The mobile version is available for android at the moment: Download Kindbot Buddy for Android You can also try the web app version:
  2. kindbot

    Kindbot Buddy: Real-time cannabis plant diagnosis

    Thank you for checking it out! We hope it can help the community and will continue to improve it :D
  3. kindbot

    Whatevver happend to Arduino diy controller hype?

    We agree on the points made earlier on how grows can't be completely automated away. A human touch is required for things like topping off water, cleaning things, etc. These simple controllers can't tell you when your plant has mites or they're starting to yellow and what to do about that. We...
  4. kindbot

    Kindbot Buddy: Real-time cannabis plant diagnosis

    Newcomers can end up frustrated out of growing their own when they run into an infestation or watch their clones wither away. It takes time to learn to manage the challenges to growing great flowers. Magazines, blogs and forums like rollitup have played a key role in proliferating this...
  5. kindbot

    leaf curl

    Good catch! We answered a ton of help issues and mixed up a response. Scanned the screen with the new Kindbot Buddy Mobile App and confirmed nute burn, as suggested:
  6. kindbot

    What could it be

    We chose this image and took a screenshot framing the lower leaves, uploaded to and it immediately suggests: From the drooping, yellowing leaves, Kindbot saw signs of Nitrogen & Magnesium deficiency and/or overwatering. Hopefully this along with the info in the reference...
  7. kindbot

    Anybody know why they look like this?

    buddy's goal is to help people beat that 4 year learning curve. Buddy explains how it got the results but you should apply your own reasoning about it.
  8. kindbot

    first grow, some confusing symptoms mid flowering. suggests nitrogen deficiency because of yellowing lower leaves might try posting a couple close ups to narrow the diagnosis search
  9. kindbot

    Yellowing/rolling downward leaves. sees signs of Nitrogen deficiency and lighting issues try posting a couple photos to narrow your diagnosis search
  10. kindbot

    Light interveinal yellowing first week of flower Help needed! - diagnosis app spots signs of magnesium and potassium deficiency try a couple photos out to narrow your search
  11. kindbot

    Brown/Rust markings on leaves. Any ideas? finds spotting and burned leaf edges as a sign of potassium or calcium deficiency try a couple photos to help narrow your diagnosis
  12. kindbot

    What could it be

    try a couple close ups on Buddy suggests nitrogen and magnesium based on light green coloration and light yellow striped leaves a couple leaf close ups might help narrow your search
  13. kindbot

    Anybody know why they look like this?

    tried Buddy sees droopy plants (probably watering schedule) on the close up photos, Buddy sees the spots as signs of calcium or manganese try a couple photos on the app to narrow your diagnosis search
  14. kindbot

    leaves on top canopy cupping and tips turning yellow/purple

    tried which suggests iron bc of light green foliage, phosphorous bc of purpling, and heat stress because of leaf cupping try it on some different photos to streamline your diagnosis
  15. kindbot

    Major help needed - WTF is causing this on the leaves? - AI powered diagnosis app spots signs of calcium deficiency give it a try with some different photos
  16. kindbot

    Possible heat damage?

    the diagnosis tool Buddy on sees signs of heat stress and magnesium deficiency
  17. kindbot

    Mid level fan leaves yellow and rusty

    posted a photo to Buddy suggests calcium, magnesium, manganese based on spotting and yellowing
  18. kindbot

    Yellow leafs Help!

    ran a photo through to get recommendations Buddy sees potassium deficiency and helps narrow the search
  19. kindbot

    Free Grow Software!

    Aiming for under $200
  20. kindbot

    Help with yellowing leaves sees signs of calcium deficiency in the photos try a close up out to help narrow the diagnosis search