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  1. T

    What's going on?

    The ocean forest does do it's job for a while but the plants usually thrive with the regimen I give them. I definitely have thrips and have them every year....they never seem to do much damage but could be the problem. Like I said it's just this one garden....not doing a thing different with...
  2. T

    What's going on?

    With Smart pots being made of fabric they actually help your plants get oxygen. All of the roots get air pruned and the soil seems to dry much quicker. All of my pots are also set on pallets to help with air flow. I have plants in 200 and 300 gallon smart pots that are kicking's just...
  3. T

    What's going on?

    Thanks for the quick reply Johny. Everyone in my area (northern california) uses smart pots with good results. I've been doing this for a good while and don't have this problem anywhere else which is why I am dumb founded. I will definitely start pHing and only water for a while.
  4. T

    Need help.

    I had this problem two years ago so i didnt plant this garden last year....decided to plant it again and low and behold i am having the same problem. Ocean Forest soil, 150 gallon smart pots. I've hit them with max sea, cal mag, liquid karma, sea green, a grow nute made locally and even tried...
  5. T

    What's going on?

    I had this problem two years ago so i didnt plant this garden last year....decided to plant it again and low and behold i am having the same problem. Ocean Forest soil, 150 gallon smart pots. I've hit them with max sea, cal mag, liquid karma, sea green, a grow nute made locally and even tried...