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  1. TokaLot

    Whats good bro? Hows everything going, havent talked to you in a min hope all is well.

    Whats good bro? Hows everything going, havent talked to you in a min hope all is well.
  2. TokaLot

    Yea i found a job, Its alright it pays the bills. Trying to do things on step at a time. How...

    Yea i found a job, Its alright it pays the bills. Trying to do things on step at a time. How have you been?
  3. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Yea i am, after work everyday, I work 10-11 hours a day then go to the gym, then come home eat do a little work at the house then repeat. lol Plus i still have to drop my transfer case in my in my vehicle to change a seal tranny again, there is always something going on, when it rains it pours...
  4. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Everyone has some nice looking plants, I have so much work in front of me its not even funny i still have to build boxes, get soil, plus move lol. Wish there was more time in the day. Little by little it pays off tho.
  5. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Here is what i have going for this year, Trying to get my two light indoor set up going as well. I have a lot going on right now so updates with be scarce for awhile. I have 2 Cherry Pies, 2 Blue Dreams, 2 Black Domina, 1 Santa Banana, and 1 Kushy Kush.
  6. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Hey guys and gals, Been gone for a min but now im back, Hope all is well with everyone.
  7. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I see the likes are back, and the site is changed finally yeeyee:clap:, I will be posting pic of what i have to throw outside sometime this week.
  8. TokaLot

    Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

    Again wish i was able to make it, I am definitely going to the after harvest BBQ. Hope everyone has fun as always! Be Safe!
  9. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    What are you saying? I think that if its oily, or gooey then it still has impurity's in it, When it becomes a dry flaky, or shatter form then most of the substances you used to extract them are gone. If im not understanding something let me know Double, I just jumped in here so i might have...
  10. TokaLot

    Long term water storage

    Yea here is some more info on long term water storage..
  11. TokaLot

    I'm thinking of growing less plants this year but using 200-100 gal smart pots

    Yea cause there are so many from this site that have had there door kicked in huh? Pics or it didnt happen!
  12. TokaLot

    F*ck all you outdoor growers that are doing this

  13. TokaLot

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Looking good TWS!! I got your inbox, Read through that thread had alot to say just not enough time to go through with, Im super busy with work right now and barely have time to get my spring crop out and keep my outdoor for this year alive, while doing all that i still had to harvest my indoor...
  14. TokaLot

    POTS VS. Straight IN the Ground?

    Yea i have done smart pots,pots, in ground, and raised, i really prefer the raised beds, the bags are nice to be able to move if not to big, and the smart pots are way better then regular pots. I am doing both this year smart pots and raised beds just so some can be movable, good luck with...
  15. TokaLot

    2014 outdoor 9

    I also need to build my boxes. Looking great tho your set up looks clean, I like that.
  16. TokaLot

    Lost and Found 30lbs

    Lol thats strange..
  17. TokaLot

    How long have you been growing

    Same here