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  1. SpaceRobot

    Brown spots and crispy leaves.

    Current system does work awesome. Yeah the lights are sick and the electric bill is nothing and there is basically no real heat. So here's where I'm at now, system has brand new ro water with just uc roots and cal-mag (225ml). Then I cut off the worst crunchy brown leaves so hopefully the...
  2. SpaceRobot

    Brown spots and crispy leaves.

    Fennari oMike I am using you see roots, and botanicare Cal-mag. I'll check the air diffusers tonight see if they're putting off a decent amount of air. Normally I put the pH into the res so that it's diluted when he goes into the system. I don't know why, I wasn't thinking about it and...
  3. SpaceRobot

    Brown spots and crispy leaves.

    The Ph problem was my fault, I screwded myself and added ph down to my system not the res. So then spent next few days trying to bring it back up, then having to back down. Was a mess. So do all this could be because of that? I just never had a pH issue before, but you think the issue sound...
  4. SpaceRobot

    Brown spots and crispy leaves.

    Hey I've got a problem. So I'm using current culture XL 6 system and there nutes with a calmag and I'm in week 3 veg. I'll try and post some pics later. The problem is several leaves on each of the plants in the system and started getting brown spots and then the leaves are turning brittle and...
  5. SpaceRobot

    Going from veg to flower in current culture?

    Ok thanks. So I think I'm going to take the advice and skip the lights out. Then I'll prob light dose the new nutes, just to be on the safe side. Thanks again for the help
  6. SpaceRobot

    Going from veg to flower in current culture?

    What do you think is the best method for me? I've got the 6xl running cultured solutions. I'm thinking flush system of veg A-B, lights out 24 hours, lights back on 12-12 off, new res with low dose bloom A-B to ease in to the nutes. Anyone got anything better or different ideas? Thanks