Search results

  1. AkFrost

    What insects are beneficial in no-till

    We would need a picture to come even close to figuring it out. You can get a microscope now days for pretty cheap that goes on your phone. But as an educated guess, from my own experience. I would say if it’s slow moving, only in the soil and your plants are fine. It’s probably a type of...
  2. AkFrost

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Here is the speech I was talking about. It fits right in this forum perfectly. From what I have heard rhizophagus intraradices is the only mycorrhizae known to benefit cannabis. I am no expert by any means. If I remember right Jeff tells us what else it might be called when we go to buy it in...
  3. AkFrost

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    There is a Tester now a days to estimate how much micro life is in your soil. It’s called the MicroBiometer. I heard Jeff Lowenfells recommend it in one of his speeches.
  4. AkFrost

    Fine-tuning my 6x6, looking for advice

    I dimmed my lights cause the plants/room don’t need an equivalent to a 1000w light until flower if you ask me. Especially little 4inch! Why on earth would I waste power like that? But that’s my opinion and choice. The HLG’s are too strong to keep at a distance of 10-12 inches. The...
  5. AkFrost

    Fine-tuning my 6x6, looking for advice

    Nice setup. Mine is really close to the same, even the cold I wouldn’t get more lights for two reasons. It’s easier to control climate when your growing space isn’t the whole room/ tent. And secondly It’s really nice to have the extra space to just sit down, chill and check...
  6. AkFrost

    LED grower questions

    I agree with this due to what I have researched. I made the switch to LED’s about month and half ago and I don’t let my leaf temps go over 75 and I keep my room at around 77. I haven’t tried temps higher yet but I have my veg room to use as a crontrol for when I do. I’m keeping my VPD on point...
  7. AkFrost

    Growing Cannabis Organically & the Soil Food Web - Jeff Lowenfels

    Awesome vid, I watched it last week. It’s better that his other ones where the video quality isn’t too And it’s a bit repetitive from the his other ones too. None the less great info. I ordered the book he recommended in there too “Life in the soil”. Can’t wait to get it along with...
  8. AkFrost

    For all SuperSoil lovers .....Premade Super Soil

    There is another water only soil that is awesome from what I have seen and heard of. Joshua Steensland from YouTube uses it I believe and he is on his 9th cycle with it. Of course he reammends it. It is from KIS Organics. Check it out if anyone is interested. Not sure about the price though. I...
  9. AkFrost

    Info's Probiotic - No Till - Sips 2018

    Im really curious about the FPJ’s. I’ve been wanting to try them out for a while now. Now that I’ve read in a couple places that it helps boost brix lvls I want to try it even more. Seems like you make a lot at time. Does it go bad or just get too strong? Can I make a smaller batch like KNF...
  10. AkFrost

    Info's Probiotic - No Till - Sips 2018

    I believe it’s Coots ipm spray or MOFO’s from GC. It’s 1tbsp of organic cold pressed neem oil emulsified in 1tsp of agsil and 1/4 tsp of 200x aloe vera powder per gallon of water. I spray at least once a week when the lights are off.
  11. AkFrost

    Info's Probiotic - No Till - Sips 2018

    Agsil is good stuff I’ve been using it for about a year now. If you buy a bag of it it will more than likely out last you if your just the home gardener. One of these days I probably won’t need to add silica except for my IPM sprays. I have been putting horsetail in my compost piles as much as...
  12. AkFrost

    High Brix Marijuana

    Awesome thread! I have a brix meter and my plants are normally running around the 14 range. I have six plants in a mix with basalt and six plants in a mix with local glacial rock dust and they both come in at the same levels.
  13. AkFrost

    GSE for hydroponics

    Just wondering if anyone has used grapefruit seed extract (GSE) for there grows. I have read before that it is a good way to keep algae under control in hydro, fish tanks, aquaponics and even as a way to purify water. It's supposed to do this without harming plants or bennies. Maximum Yeild...
  14. AkFrost

    Mysterious Bugs Return Again! HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE

    I found this thread on the web today describes what I have been dealing with to a "T" if you read the whole thing. Page 13-14 gets you answers. You may have more than one bug messing with you ScaryHarry?
  15. AkFrost

    Mysterious Bugs Return Again! HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE

    Dr. Who may be right. Those might not be bulb mites. Bulb mites stay in the soil/ media. I still haven't seen a bug on my plants. I read there is a type/ stage of bulb mite that attaches itself to a host to start a new colony. I.e. It has been known to attach itself to fungus gnats. Here is a...
  16. AkFrost

    Mysterious Bugs Return Again! HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE

    Awesome, glad to hear the hypoaspis miles and grow is going good. I got fed up too but I'm starting I grow hydro in rockwool grow cubes. The mites seemed to stay in check or at least not able to hurt the plant when it is in vigorous growth. I give my plants Recharge instead of...
  17. AkFrost

    Mysterious Bugs Return Again! HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE This one is from jumpincatus (staff member) @ thcfarmer And this is the one I read that the hot water treatments should be 100% effective at killing...
  18. AkFrost

    Mysterious Bugs Return Again! HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE

    Thanks Scaryharry45. Yeah I've been dealing with them for a while I believe. I have found and have been posting on several forums on different websites. I have tried several different things on them too. They are pretty indestructible. I just posted on the thread I started on here when I was...
  19. AkFrost

    Spider mites???

    I did check them every day. I even put some Vaseline at the base of the stem to make sure. Still haven't found any bugs on my plants in the last week. I've tried a bunch of things on them now and they are pretty indestructible. Neem, floramite sc, mighty wash, azamax, and even 70% Alcohol @ a...
  20. AkFrost

    Mysterious Bugs Return Again! HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE

    This looks like the same bug I am dealing with right now. I believe it is a bulb mite. My plants do great until they are at about the 2-3rd week of flower depending on the strain. I haven't been able to find them on the plant itself. Even after cutting down two that I had in my flower room and...