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  1. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Figured I would give an update. Although shes not perfect, she has improved. Ive got the temps under control always staying under 70, and using the clear res home made solution. Heres some pics for some feedback.
  2. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Yeah I made some last night and put it in there. Thanks.
  3. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Looking more into "clear rez" and it seems almost like a miracle additive. Not sure why I haven't heard much about it. Is this stuff OK to run 24/7?
  4. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Thanks guys, im using 2 air stones with 2 pumps right now. But I have no problem upgrading the pump. I actually do have some black air line sitting on top of the tent, just haven't gotten around to swapping out that clear line. I have an identical tub also. Im going to set up the new tub...
  5. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I dunno man. Thinking about scrapping the entire plant. Working 60-84 hours a week shes defineitly been neglected. Battling to keep res temps under 73, and just not giving her the required time. Probably gonna dump the scrog and go back to 5 gal buckets. Need to keep it simple with my hectic...
  6. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    So whatcha guys think? I appears to be getting better.. Maybe a little nute burn? tips are curling/brown... feed back would be appreciated.
  7. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I'll take a good look at them tomorrow and take some pics. Quick glance today looks like the center of the plant is still yellow, but the outer parts are looking pretty healthy. I'll update tomorrow evening
  8. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I use the floraseries
  9. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I really do appreciate advice, but its just when I get contradicting advice from the same person its really misleading. I have heard of light burn/bleach that isnt heat related. This could be a viable diagnoses for the lighter green leaves because only the leaves in the center (directly under...
  10. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I agree Frosty, I added some CalMag 2 days ago so hopefully that will help with it. I dont have very high hopes on this grow, but maybe she'll recover.
  11. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    holy shit you're blowing my mind.... forget it!
  12. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    purplehays, thanks for the thoughts. But are you mistaking me for growing in soil? The PH range im in is fine for N, and if I got any higher, it will be out of range for the Ca. Just pretty consfused right now. Im going to give it a few days and see what happens with her. Is there a flushing...
  13. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    so what does raising the PH do? I need to check my ph meter too i suppose.
  14. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Can you explain? Ive always been told 5.8 is optimum
  15. N

    Looking to make a chiller with a water dispenser

    Hi guys, I scooped up a water dispenser on craigslist for $30. I have DWC tub going with some minor temp issues. Its not too bad now, but the summer coming is when it really gets hot. What I envision is a submersible pump in my DWC. Pumping out into a coil that is submerged in the water...
  16. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I got carried away on pruning today and i think i took off too much. ALSO, this plant doesnt drink very much water. This is my first time using a tub, which holds almost 10 gals, but when I was using a 5gal bucket, it seems like if i missed a day the bucket would be empty. Right now I can go a...
  17. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Cool. I have the light a bit higher. Today I added about 50 ML of calmag to my res (per calmag directions) I also added 15ML of Micro. I was going to just top off with RO water till res change, but it really does seem to be a N deficiency going on.
  18. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Thanks for the input. Its funny you mention about the 600w burning. I just got the 600w on my last grow (that grow turned out bad). And the whole time it seemed like the leaves directly under the middle of the light were discolored. I was thinking maybe 600w was a little too much for my small...
  19. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    Yes im using RO water. The light was about 8" away with my 400W MH, but i switched to 600W HPS and now its about 18" away. I do see burning on the tips, so I do feel like its got enough food. The PPMs are also rising, meaning shes drinking more water and less nutes.
  20. N

    Yellowing dying fan leaves. Week 1 flowering

    I dont have an EC meter, ive always added nutes based on PPMs.