i know. they are wrong. its kind of strange. it was actually the location of the most northern mission that was the first capital. the whole bear flag revolution thing.
no actualy i was going to produce a movie about this some 15 years ago. I did extensive research with the help of museum docents. Better luck next time. I still got my portfolio.
no, not like a pow wow. no firepit, no dancing, no good art, no good intentions
oh ya, im pretty sure they dont throw pow wows in cemeteries, because that is just psychotic
I grew up in the first Capital of california ( its not sac ). There is a mass native american grave site near the park filled with statues of "important" people. Tourists have no clue they are drinking wine walking over gravesites. I actually went to school with descendants of the war generals...
And what about people repping Irish flags? Why should the population of farm workers be submitted to abuse just for being proud of their heritage. They are in fact more true americans than the people flying confederate flags.
how does one rationalize it being ok to fly a racist flag to "harm"...
Ok. you are asking me if im offended of an image by a Northern ( AMERICAN ) war commander. Well he was faced with the task of defending peoples liberties and they won. Does it offend me to see a war commander? Yes, of course it does. Was he battling an unavoidable evil force? Yes.
he looks a little smug. care to explain if i should be offended? or are you just trolling. do you think i know the personal history of every person in the world, of the past also!? jfc i read a lot but thats impossible
dont be scarred of endless, limitless thinking
are you seriously asking me to explain how ideas from different people are connected in a thread titled "the science of interconnectedness"
1: dont believe in hell candyland etc. we are made of recycled energy and atoms. its circles, waves, and resonance
2: why would you assume the opposite
1: can u talk to fish? how do you factually know the awareness of every single fish .....does that not seem egotistical? Who is judging this trait and by what standards. Redonkulous
2:Rules? abide? lol....