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  1. Skunk#1

    my battle with a 500 watt halogen............

    this it totaly the wrong light for growing you are wasting your time trying to grow with this
  2. Skunk#1

    Floro Buds Vs. HPS Buds

    no one in there right mind would choose floro over hps
  3. Skunk#1

    Every thing was sweet +rep for info

    reading that just made my brain bleed
  4. Skunk#1

    1000 watt hps people...

    not sure if the refectors go dull but I now they do get dirty after awhile I always wash them after a harvest and brings back the shine
  5. Skunk#1

    Favorite indoor Indica-heavy strains??

    Mazar is a great one
  6. Skunk#1

    1000 watt hps people...

    I have 2 1000 hps lights in my flower room and recently change 1 bulb after about 4 harvests and there is a huge difference between the 2. and they are the same bulb. I am a beliver that they start to faid after awhile
  7. Skunk#1

    Best Flowering FOX FARM NUTE?

    the best would to follow the feeding schdule
  8. Skunk#1

    How is she doing? Advice Needed (Pics)

    you need some different soil for sure
  9. Skunk#1

    Advanced Nutrients vs FoxFarm

    the 3 part liquid fox farms is very hard to overdue and nute burn your plants but on the other hand the 3 part powder fox farm is pretty hot and can burn your plants very easy
  10. Skunk#1

    THICK WHITE HAIRS !! WOLVERINE!!! what strain?

    yeah it was funny when everyone started calling it that yeah its pretty good smoke and puts out huge buds covered with a ton of huge long/thick hairs and when they dry out they are a redish brown color
  11. Skunk#1

    THICK WHITE HAIRS !! WOLVERINE!!! what strain?

    My dad grows some Ultra Skunk from Dp and it kind of looks like that every one calls it sasquatch balls cause if you seen bigfoots nut sack it would look like that
  12. Skunk#1

    Advanced Nutrients vs FoxFarm

    the urbangrower is the shit. he knows his stuff and claims you will get 2 pounds per light using the advanced nutes he has beautiful plants. but I am still a fox farm guy I been useing them for around 6 years and just cant get myself to change I got fox farm dialed in and get great results with...
  13. Skunk#1

    PG&E bill :-(

    probally where I live the rates that we get. I live in oregon
  14. Skunk#1

    PG&E bill :-(

    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! I have 2 1000 hps a 600 mh a 125 watt cfl and 12000btu a/c and then all the other normal house hold stuff in a 3 bedroom house with 4 people in and mine is around 130 a month My wife would freak if ours was that much
  15. Skunk#1

    Random growth in 7th week of flowering

    that happend to some of my brothers plants 1 time never figured it out but it took another 3 weeks to finish up
  16. Skunk#1

    light bills!?

    Good luck hope you get it all under control
  17. Skunk#1

    How Long For Oregon Card To Come In The Mail

    I went to the THCF clinic and got all my papers sign and mailed it out with payment on June 15, I am just wondering how long does it take them to send out the offical paper work to me Thanks
  18. Skunk#1

    Just Scheduled An Appointment To Get An Oregon Medical Card

    not likely did you send them medical reports and then they call you with a appoinment date? that is the way it happend with me and they already look over your medical problems and you are going to get it you just have to see a doctor and talk to him a little. if they have not seen your reports...
  19. Skunk#1

    light bills!?

    I got 2-1000 hps and 1 600 Mh and 125 watt cfl and my total bill is right around 130 a month you got something drawing a lot of power and it is not your box
  20. Skunk#1

    How do you lollipop?

    and also the urban grower does alot of lollipoping so check out his website and see if any of that info helps you