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  1. Shadowfarmer

    is a 600 watt hps\mh good for a 4x4

    My tent is 4x4x7 feet I want to do 16 plants 1 or 2 gal
  2. Shadowfarmer

    Can you breed with a male from feminzed seeds

    Thanks bro , do you think herms will show in the offspring from the thai genes
  3. Shadowfarmer

    600 watt 30 plant pheno humt

    I need help I plan on popping 3 packs of seeds 10 regs each (NO Fems ) Hopefully I get around 16 females or 20 who knows what What size pots would you recommend to finish flower in I seen a few 16 plant in 2 gals or would you recommend 1 gals in a 4x4 How long should I veg as I will need...
  4. Shadowfarmer

    is a 600 watt hps\mh good for a 4x4

    Is a 600 watt hps good for a 4x4 tent The reason for a 4x4 is that i want to upgrade to a 1000 watt after the 1st harvest and use w 600 watt for w veg room
  5. Shadowfarmer

    Can you breed with a male from feminzed seeds

    First thread but a while ago I got 2 blue Thai femenized seeds from a friend for 5 bucks (He didn't want them ) I grew them out with about 5 other strains 2 plants each 2 clones but anyway I sexed the other 8 plants and I got 1 female then it turned to a he she quick from the blue Thai so I...
  6. Shadowfarmer

    Grow green

    Grow green