Thats what uncle ben was getting at when he was talking about orchards pruning peach trees for nothing but visual market appeal. Just didnt vonnect the dots to cannabis. Harvest the top, leave the bottoms for a few days longer. Youll get the effect youre looking for.
Wasnt making a comparison was throwing out options. I like being able to put light where i need it panels are great for over head fluoros i like vertically on the sides.
They need to sticky a thread thats just quotes from you from every post asking this tired question. Fans are factories! I understand removing lower growth shoots that will never reach the canopy but i leave my lower fans until they drop off and die, i find them to be a good source of nutrition...
Same output as a 2ft 4 bulb t5 but more flexibility where you put them, not quite as well directed toward one direction as a shop light though. My 4x4 will have 200w of supplemental lighting if im including the uvb bulbs and cfls ill have in their when the stretch is done.
Food for thought but these would be inexpensive supplemental.
Ive seen roots exposed directly under HPS turn green and harden off but those are under hps, my starts go in a gallon jug cut in half, i used to tape it but doesnt matter if i do or not i get the same result, roots everywhere.
90s was the era of indie and a rebirth of punk as well, ill still be rocking to PJ in 20 years, those guys put on a fucking show back in the day! And said their grammy didnt mean shit, because it doesnt, but who the fuck does that when you go up to get it? Thats fuckin rock n roll.
I was gonna say stop throwing money at it, i never could get a pussy off a pole if there was money being thrown at it... sorry been waiting to hear the cat had a happy ending to chime in with that.
Finally got my nl5xhaze gals flipped. Ill be back after the stretch for the jungle pics.
Main lined, 7 gal smarties, organic soil and ACT plus a few tricks here and there.