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  1. R

    Helllo friends i need help!!

    I think I found the problem.i believe i wasn't watering enough.
  2. R

    tiger bloom and big bloom

    I'm watering every other day as needed when pots are dry and light.
  3. R

    Helllo friends i need help!!

    fox farm ocean mix.rh 50%.I water every 2 days or when pots are dry and light or when plants start to droop a lil bit.temp always around 73.i didn't add any nutes for about 4 weeks just ph water 6.3 i started to add a little cal mag and tiger bloom only a few times and now this is happening.
  4. R

    tiger bloom and big bloom

    thank using ffof.
  5. R

    Helllo friends i need help!!

    my top leaves on some of my auto's are drooping and have the claw look.
  6. R

    ATTN:New Jersey residents

    Don't forget to vote yes November 3rd to legalize recreational cannabis!!
  7. R

    tiger bloom and big bloom

    hello folks I'm running auto' often should run both of these in the water during flowering?