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  1. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    I've spent some where between 6 and 8 thousand!
  2. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    Ohhh but it has super defined lines! Just hard to capture the small detail in a a picture of the full sleeve! I have around 50 hours into this sleeve. It's all about the detail, from the shading in the moon and night sky to the skeletons spine having the proper number of vertebrae and enough...
  3. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    I'm not talking a full sleeve or anything but it works!
  4. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    You can practice with water. I got the biosynthesis of thc on my leg. I couldn't see what he was doing when he finished the tattoo he wrote a funny little message on my leg in water. It healed up in about 2 weeks and you cant see anything!
  5. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    I extended my hand for you kaendumb! I voted for you NOT to be banned!
  6. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    His are only the first two, the rose and gun. Not the good ones after it (the last picture is my sleeve).
  7. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    It shows his gay side! Thinking about which cock he wants sound pretty gay to me!
  8. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    maybe she should have called you then... You want/wanted to be a cop, when that didn't work out you said you might go into private security...
  9. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    We already went over his career! He is an amatuer tattoo artist. note the flower petals that wrap more than half way around the rose and bland coloring. Now for a professionals work! Notice proper petal patterns in the rose and colors that pop!
  10. NoGutsGrower

    There is a protest going on right now at my local chick fil a

    Hippies seem to get by without robbing people, I believe they use reusable diapers and they feed their babies before they worry about fashion, hell even before they worry about taking a bath! There were 2 homeless guys in S.F. yesterday, they get by with out robbing people. They were in the...
  11. NoGutsGrower

    Whats your opinion on immigration??

    My opinion is kick everyone the fuck out that say they are anything but american! No Latin American, No Irish american, no African American, None of that shit! All are welcome but if you think you are something else besides plain ol' AMERICAN get the fuck back to where you think you belong!
  12. NoGutsGrower

    Why so much racism?

    LOL! There is presently no accepted method for textually indicating irony, though an irony (punctuation) mark has been proposed. Ironic statements (verbal irony)[2] are statements that imply a meaning in opposition to their literal meaning.
  13. NoGutsGrower

    Why so much racism?
  14. NoGutsGrower

    Why so much racism?
  15. NoGutsGrower

    Why so much racism?
  16. NoGutsGrower

    Why is the nipple sacred?!

    Just the small one, black and grey, bottom center.... I think it's mine...
  17. NoGutsGrower

    Why is the nipple sacred?!

    If you felt different why didn't you act differently? You brought these negative comments upon yourself, you were in a situation that would have been easy to act upon. The police would have given you a ride home if your friends left you when you got out of the car. Or did one of the people in...
  18. NoGutsGrower

    Should I tell my P.O.?

    does your probation allow you to leave the state without getting approval from your P.O.? I've never heard of one that did, I'd be looking into that as I wouldn't wouldn't want to get slapped with a P.V. on top of it all!
  19. NoGutsGrower

    Rapists Beware!

    Now that is seriously funny! I've been trolling kaendar for a little bit now so I've seen and know funny!
  20. NoGutsGrower

    Why so much racism?

    I'm pretty sure white people don't call black people niggers because they think they are physically weak, I'm just taking a stab in the dark but I'm pretty sure it's for other reasons. Skin color has nothing to do with physical strength or fighting ability, although I have met more black people...