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  1. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    It's all gravy man, I've ben lurking in your thread so I know where you're at with that. Been there for sure, 4 months of stealing net from someone calling themself "Hyphy13." At leasty ol Hyphy had a decent connection. So I was gonna tell everybody how sweet the new bulb looks and all that...
  2. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Sorry it's been a few, been busy as hell. Had a plant herm out on me pretty bad, too many nanners to pluck by hand so I had to chop it a week early. I forgot to close the clone chamber the other night, must have leaked some light through the zipper on the flower tent. So I spent the last couple...
  3. Short Bus

    My Current Grows Continues

    That's bad ass man, thanks for the tour!
  4. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Damn straight! And the missus says thank you!
  5. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    So guess what Wifey went out and got me yesterday? A gorgeous, healthy little White Widow clone with big fat roots! Man, am I loved. Awesome! The WW is gonna be a mom, I know for a fact that Widow has a place in my garden. According to the source, this is the original Grenhouse cut, with a...
  6. Short Bus

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Totally, not trying to take anything away from Senor Kitty. Just that the feminine half of your team has been the "face" of the op in this thread, that's all. Much respect to you both. Oh yeah, I think Fergie is old. I remember her getting old a few years ago, come to think of it... :lol:
  7. Short Bus

    My Current Grows Continues

    Backtracking a little bit, I leave as much leaf on my clones as I can since that's what they eat to make roots. If the leaf starts looking shitty I trim it or remove it, but only after there's a reason to. Man, that pipe is sick! Blue and orange always look tight together.
  8. Short Bus

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Some guys just can't handle getting shown up by a woman.
  9. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Pulled these out today for a flushing, the last water they get before harvest this week. These are some of the last defoliation victims, but they only got trimmed once so they bounced back alright. I wish I had the space to give em another week, but if I did that my next round would overgrow my...
  10. Short Bus

    My Current Grows Continues

    See, that's how ya pack a bowl! Bravo, sir!
  11. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Good shit, thanks Scarhole. The important distinction to make here is between carcinogenic and toxic. Carcinogenic means that the chemical in question has the capacity to remove, replace, or otherwise change segments of your DNA when it gets into your cells. When that altered DNA replicates...
  12. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Sweet, I love my air-pots. Air-pots for dense pot, it's a new motto. Welcome! I read all the Hot Shot pros and cons I could find, including the company spec sheet and MD treatment instructions and what I came away with was that 1, It's not carcinogenic, and 2, It is toxic to people, pets, etc...
  13. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Thanks fellas, I appreciate it. Wifey went out and grabbed some of those Hot Shot strips today, should be 100% bug free shortly. DIE BUGS! HAHAHA! Yeah, moving the clones was sweet, and it helped my old friend out too.We're moving the wife's plants into bigger containers today, I'll take some...
  14. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Oh yeah, sold my first batch of clones last night to another local medi-grower, who ended up being someone I knew from way back. Me and this dude had been hanging out back in the 90's. Really fresh experience, plus I freed up some much needed space. I was literally going through and tossing the...
  15. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    That's really cool. My mom does something similar in photo albums, keeps flowers with pics from the same period of time. It really does take you back, when you have something to engage your senses a little.
  16. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    It's actually the first bunch of roses I got my wife. I'm helly alergic to roses, but Wifey really likes her sentimentals, so they live in the garage with the garden.
  17. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    I figured I'd follow 2 buckets through veg and flower, so this journal gets a little more cohesive and weed-oriented. It worked out kinda nice too, in that this week I planted 2 strains I haven't run before. Northern Lights, a classic, and Purple Cadillac, a mystery clone. All I know is it's...
  18. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    So I cycle plants every 8 days, if you're reading this you probably already know that. Today was a cycling day, and I took a couple pics to show the growth rate under the new CMH bulb. There are 2 plants in each pic, same strain, 8 days apart. The larger plants have been in buckets for 16 days...
  19. Short Bus

    My Current Grows Continues

    Yeah, I got one of those too. I let her "help" when I harvest. The funny thing is, I could swear she's got a preferance for indicas.
  20. Short Bus

    Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

    Well, as pleased as he must be with whatever you're doing for him, maybe you could let him post once in a while.