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  1. K

    Connecting Samsung F led strips in parallel or in series?

    thanks, i was told by digikey tech engineering support that in series it would still work if one blew (which i thought would kill the circuit as well) since theres constant current drivers. thoughts?
  2. K

    What are your typical yields?

    Most track with yield/watt but anything is fine. Anyone doing ~2g/W consistently? Also, are there standards or tiers on this - like what is considered low, average, good, etc
  3. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Ok good to know. What do non led folk do? They're lights are more full spectrum right?
  4. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Mothers use veg and not grow nights? Interesting, why is that? I'm going to have two rooms after testing a few grows. If I do use 5000 for veg, would it be better to get 3000 or 3500 now?
  5. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    need driver suggestions: Referring to guide here: for my personal build, i am looking at ~80 of the samsung f-series lm561c 1.12A/46V strips. constant current in series is what i read to be best. I was recommended by digi key to...
  6. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    glad this forum is here, at other places/blogs/sites theres a lot of 5000k thrown around. any comments on 5000k?
  7. K

    any suggested good alternatives to digikey to usa/california?

    any suggested good alternatives to digikey to usa/california? need some of the HLG480 drivers but digikey doesnt have many left. any suggestions on other reputable companies with effective pricing? (los angeles)
  8. K

    Driver selection for a diy qb? math?

    do you have any suggestions on where to buy drivers? digikey doesnt have enough and 10wk lead time x_x
  9. K

    Driver selection for a diy qb? math?

    wow wtf? dont hlg lights and similar diy ones run heat sinks on those? interesting. unfortunately the hlg driver runs at 1.4A and the strips run at 1.12A and thers not really any better choice unless i go with 1 driver per strip :(
  10. K

    Driver selection for a diy qb? math?

    thanks, i updated OP with the following below, thoughts? I was informed that those F series drivers are 1.12A, and either 23V or 46V. HLG-480H-C1400A from Mean Well seems like the most popular driver. these are 1.4A (what problems might this cause?) and 171-343v, meaning i can do 4-7 strips...
  11. K

    Driver selection for a diy qb? math?

    Hi, just trying to figure out how to calculate how many drivers i would need to supply my lights. going to be using samsung f-series led strips connected in series. constant current driver, but lost after this here's the lights im going to be using:
  12. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    appreciate the tip, as a full nerd/ocd perfectionist, glad to know i dont have to worry about this. i was told that the weed would look or taste funny if only given one spectrum since its getting too much of 1 type in comparison with HID's that supposedly give full spectrum
  13. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    gorgeous! can you recommend a guide for just making your own qb with light strips (samsung f series im looking at). roujghly know how much strips i need but not how many drivers, wiring, and heatsinking (where would i get a heatsink and what to consider)?
  14. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    can you explain what you mean by mixed led's? do you just mean different brands like samsungs and some other stuff? (also curious why it would no longer be a waste of time once they are mixed). have you tested 5000k? apparently its good for veg but i question how much of a difference the veg...
  15. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    is there a reason you went primarily 3000k and then added a 4000k? what has your expereince been with temps?
  16. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    thanks, i recall 3000k is good for flower specifically. does veg care as much / will it make a huge difference if its 3000k instead of its optimal 5000k? also, is there any benefit of splitting the middle and going with 4000k or mix 3 4 5 together?
  17. K

    5000k or 3000k lights?

    thanks, a trait i havent been monitoring. how important would you say it is?
  18. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    What are your thoughts on parallel vs series connections? i recall in school that for series, if one goes out, all of it goes out. not sure if thats true here. any pros/cons of each?
  19. K

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    For dIY LED QBs with samsung F strip LED's, how important is selecting color temp? should i go with 3000k or 5000k or a mix of both in 1 QB setup? or just get both but separate (3000k on 1 setup, 5000k on another set up, move plants around ) and which is better for what situation?
  20. K

    5000k or 3000k lights?

    what does this mean?