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  1. wildfire97936

    Purple Bud?

    well it was dank seeds but they were mixed up so i thinks its purple power plant, if it is want it all the way purple haha
  2. wildfire97936

    Update: Bagseed Grow Start of Flowering 3rd week

    i just firgured potency was an established thing by the look of it....i love to add quanity to quality
  3. wildfire97936

    Purple Bud?

    yea its like starting at the base of the leaves and the base of the pistil but more so on the bud than the leaf
  4. wildfire97936

    Update: Bagseed Grow Start of Flowering 3rd week

    hell yea that means your gonna have a fat sack come harvest....better pics goin up today stop by and check them out
  5. wildfire97936

    Purple Bud?

    really? i thought 60 to 65 would be sufficient but it is gettin that cold here at night so i might sit it outside see what happens
  6. wildfire97936

    Purple Bud?

    so i was looking at this bud i lollipopped off and at the base of the flowers is a purple reddish color (pic in my journal Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS - Marijuana Growing ) is this the flower turning purple? and if it is colder weather makes it purpler right?
  7. wildfire97936

    weed prices

    i love this i live in the boonies of the south and am still paying the same prices as people in all these "big" cities...basically $400 for an ounce for medical from cali brought by that bomb ass fedex man
  8. wildfire97936

    White Widow X Buddha; 600 W HPS; Soil; (Quality PICS!)

    nice looking good, good thing you got those foxes out the hen house
  9. wildfire97936

    creeper weed

    in some hippy aged grow journals they say cropping when its still a lil under mature gives it a creeper high...anyone heard of this before too?
  10. wildfire97936

    My First Grow. 4 Plants

    25% i think... a good idea would to be to look at some sites and see what their percentage is
  11. wildfire97936

    9 Bagseed grow journal

    no problem its easy to regergatate what i've read or done.
  12. wildfire97936

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    maybe something you water it with? looks the color of B12 liquid for animals and sometimes plants
  13. wildfire97936

    9 Bagseed grow journal

    yea i just watched for nute burn and just kinda experimented with my own time table
  14. wildfire97936

    Update: Bagseed Grow Start of Flowering 3rd week kinda thinkin about makin a veg closet with cfls and thats a pretty nice set-up
  15. wildfire97936

    Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS

    im pretty sure i'll fill yall in on the slightly early sample and the deliciousness
  16. wildfire97936

    Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS

    ask and you shall recieve
  17. wildfire97936

    Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS

    yea they smell of a sharp citrus scent makes me want to take a bite out of one
  18. wildfire97936

    Update: Bagseed Grow Start of Flowering 3rd week much wattage is there in there altogether?
  19. wildfire97936

    9 Bagseed grow journal

    i nuted all the way from 1 week after into veg right up to 12/12 then waited 5 days and started with the flower nutes...thats just me personally and i used carboload i think the same as superthrive 3 times a week
  20. wildfire97936

    Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS

    not at this moment cause im gonna have to move the room when they are done...then i'll set up a veg and flower room....i got the beans, just waitin for me to germ them