I lost half because of the lack of water the drought, thieves we are talking about 50 plants total. I do both keep enough to smoke and sell the rest. where i live 1lbs well fetch about 4000$ if it is anygood
I have been drying in the same shed a just a wood garden shed about the same size and we dryed over a hundred plants in it and had no problem got fifty drying right now, no fan just air that circlelate though the shed I haveno ploblems with mold I live on the high ground so morning mist has...
Well we harvested what we had left, not as much as usal lost over half but I nver planned on being rich probley well get enough for the year and make a little money, well post picture when we are done with the drying and trimming
will me and a couple of buddys are going to cure some of what we harvest this year. as for the corn fields we plant from the end of May thru the middle of July so chemicals and such are pretty much gone and they get nothig but rain. the plants we tend to, (i have never done it and I been...
ok I have bkeen growing pot for years. but I have to admit that i find alot of this stuff mighty odd. First of all we grow gorilla style totally in corn field tree lines and anywhere we can hide and it gets sun. so we have to pick before the farmers get into the fields. this year pretty much...
OK I understand the curing process where I am from no one has ever heard of curing So can I use seal a meal bags after curing as long as I keep it in the dark and cool
Again thanks
iam new to this thread but not new to the growing part, I do have one question what is the best way to store pot. I have been using tupperware but it still drys out. So any help would be good