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  1. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Hey nor cal, From my experience in top feed dwc, the top feed is really only effective on very young plants that haven’t established a larger root zone. I always keep roots submerged in the water solution as the bubbler will provide plenty of oxygen to the root zone. Not saying you shouldn’t use...
  2. Hydro4life

    Question on drying

    Totally agree Ganga gurl! I dry this way and rotate buds as they dry to minimise annoying flat spots haha. It’s not ideal, as buds are handled a lot more. Maybe it’s a bit pedantic but I personally try to leave a little stalk on the end of each bud and handle the stalk rather than the bud itself...
  3. Hydro4life

    Question on drying

    I’m under the assumption it gives better bag appeal when dry trimming!? As the sugar leaves form around the bud better when hung upside down. Wether it’s on a drying rack or hanging wouldn’t change drying time imo. If the same amount of branch is left on when In drying rack.
  4. Hydro4life

    LB's Wildly Mediocre DWC/ScROG Grow

    Sounds good man! Yea sounds like mag def. as other deficiencies can show lightening in between veins also. but can affect say tops of plant. Light burn can do the same. So I’d say possible mag lock out or lack of. Hopefully those changes will stop the mag deficiency spreading any further!? 8-)...
  5. Hydro4life

    nutrients from start to finish for autos

    As long as your learning, you will only get better! Congrats man. I take my hat off to you for persevering :cool:
  6. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Maybe someone else can answer this better than me, but if memory serves me right, the plants will reject straight silica to a degree. That’s why it’s in the form of potassium silica, to basically trick the plant into thinking it’s potassium.... Maybe your giving too much potassium silica? The...
  7. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Imagine having that!! :lol:
  8. Hydro4life

    Sick plants please help identify

    Makes sense if tis is the case Myke!!
  9. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    That’s a good chart jypsy Dog!!
  10. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    I just read GBAUTOs advice and it’s solid. I’d bring your ph down to 5.5 (not 5.7) And the brown tips that curl up are symptoms of potassium deficiency. Don’t quote me on this, but I’m Pretty sure it can cause lightening between veins much like a magnesium deficiency!?
  11. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Yea, letting the ph drift within a certain targeted range is better for maximum absorption of all your macro and micros. Constantly adjusting ph is not ideal. That’s good man, thought you may of had very low lights off temps from the purple stems. Minimising the uptake of potassium. Have you...
  12. Hydro4life

    LB's Wildly Mediocre DWC/ScROG Grow

    Yea, throw a little epsom salt in Logan and maybe back your bloom booster back to 1/4 strength? Cal/mag at 1/4 strength should be ok imo. Your flowering base nutes may be fairly high in pk as it is?? Bit hard to see on the pics, but is the mag deficiency at the very top of the plant or lower and...
  13. Hydro4life

    Sick plants please help identify

    No worries man. Not sure about ebb as I’ve never tried it. Could your root temps be high in between flood cycles? Also do you oxygenate the res for your ebb? I’m not sure if this is a done thing with ebb? But I would imagine it would have nothing but benefits. Itl keep the solution from...
  14. Hydro4life

    LB's Wildly Mediocre DWC/ScROG Grow

    Couldn’t find the chart, but here’s an example Logan.
  15. Hydro4life

    LB's Wildly Mediocre DWC/ScROG Grow

    I’m feeling your pain Logan! Hopefully the buds don’t get too airy also!? Yes you can add a little epsom salt to the res. I’ve only done it once before on a presidential kush. It looked like it had a sulphur deficiency (Epson salt will treat magnesium and sulphur deficiency very well) it didn’t...
  16. Hydro4life

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Hey Nor cal, My guess is you have a bit of lockout going on there!? Seems you have a lot of cal/mag (nearly 1/3 of your nute strength) Plus the cal/mag already in your base nutes..... Too much calcium will lock out magnesium. The same with too much potassium (usually seen in early to mid flower...
  17. Hydro4life

    Sick plants please help identify

    Yep, root rot! Keep res temp in check, provide a lot of aeration at root zone and keep light away from roots. :cool:
  18. Hydro4life

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    I didn’t say I use it, I said “I’ve experienced it USING Ph perfect” It’s a great product depending on your circumstance or life commitments. It was great when I was working away for a week at a time using rdwc for example. I could not rely on the other person in my house to monitor my ph while...
  19. Hydro4life

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    I know how it works, and yes it does work! Even on tap water of 8.5 ph! The point I was making is that nothing was different in regards to nutrients, nutrient strength, ph (or chelated nutrients) environment etc. yet one strain showed a calcium and a magnesium deficiency where as the other...
  20. Hydro4life

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Funny, I’ve experienced this using ph perfect. Same ph for both plants..... Added additional cal/mag supplement to the one that showed a calcium AND magnesium deficiency and no longer had an ongoing issue with these deficiencies! I did not adjust ph!