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  1. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Did cancer exist before synthetics? Or do you need to go find a book to look that up??
  2. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Climate change IS bullshit.
  3. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Seriously, ive heard sooo much bullshit about everything around us giving us cancer!! (Not saying that smoking doesnt) but think about it, cancer was around long before we discovered pesticides and alcohol and weed and tobacco etc. Just because you smoke cigarettes and you get cancer, you cant...
  4. Hydro4life

    Strange growth on lower flowers while tops look proper?

    Ive heard russet mites make the leaves twist and curl. Do you notice any slight leaf deformities james? Could use a neem oil spray to keep them at bay for now if not too far into flower...? Its relatively safe. Just spray on underside of leaves. Not sure if their like spider mites? But those...
  5. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

    Seed is actually better when growing monsters outdoors as it has a tap root. And regular female seeds are supposed to yield slightly higher than feminised!?
  6. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Wow unclebuck your on fire 2day!! That was a smackdown and a half! :fire:
  7. Hydro4life

    Strange growth on lower flowers while tops look proper?

    Could be slowly working their way up the plant??
  8. Hydro4life

    Strange growth on lower flowers while tops look proper?

    Looks like youve got a bug problem of some sort. In your 3rd pic, zoom into the top left leaf by your hand. Can you see those little white dots? Somethings sucking on the underside of your leaves. Id suspect a mite of some sort. Whitefly also leaves the same markings..... turn your leaves over...
  9. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

  10. Hydro4life

    Sativa Veg time

    All depends on how big you want it to be ;-)
  11. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

    Hahaha. The possibilities are endless :P
  12. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    It all makes sense now...... :eyesmoke:
  13. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Whats a book? :shock:
  14. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Hes a good politician!!
  15. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

    Yea i agree with getogrow. Not worth it man. Hell think youve gone behind his back. You could always say let me experiment with this quarter of the plants???
  16. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    And the government will justify the price increase of cigarettes by saying its to cover the healthcare costs of smokers, when their only after the revenue. Wonder when their going to use that one to increase tax on the power companies? Or increase the price of alcohol? Maybe theyl ban electric...
  17. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

    Sorry bro, but you most likely already have :cry:
  18. Hydro4life

    Mike pence doesn’t think smoking causes cancer

    Apparently electricity causes cancer. So does pesticides and working in a nickel mine, smoking weed causes lung cancer, drinking alcohol can cause throat cancer. My grandmother smoked and drank till the age of 72 and died at 91 (not from cancer) whereas her daughter (my aunty) didnt smoke or...
  19. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

    Turn them all off. Lol.
  20. Hydro4life

    Uhh my buddy needs help

    Couldnt agree more!!