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  1. D

    Lower leaves dropping, scorching, etc. PICS

    Hello RIU, I was wondering of anyone would be able to help me determine what the issue is? Plants are 9 days old in 7 gallon pots under a 600w HPS in FFOF inoculated with Orca mycorrhizae, and were fed 1tbs supertea, 1/2tbs budswell, and 1tsp molasses per gallon of water for the growth spurt in...
  2. D

    Salvia experiences?

    I made my own Salvinorin A extract. I took 250g of leaf and got about 2g of the pure stuff. Just 1mg and I'm completely dissociated from my body. The first experience lasted 10 seconds but took me to some sort of mayan/aztec-like world. My walls vanished and were replaced by a lush rainforest...
  3. D

    500ug 25i, 10mg mxe, and 250ug lsd

    I have done all of these substances by themselves and tonight I decided to mix. So far so good. Slight breathing, enhanced colors, lights seem to have an otherworldly glow to them and I feel like I'm floating upwards. It's been 20 minutes. :-P
  4. D

    First grow, 600w

    Thank you for the criticism. I'll work on those issues next grow with Area 51 and White Widow again :)
  5. D

    First grow, 600w

    Hello everyone! This is my first grow. The plants are grown organically under a 600w. I have two GDP's and two White Widow's. I didn't veg them as long as I should have, but I was eager to flower sooner... Next time, I'll be vegging them until maybe 18". How am I doing besides the fact I burned...