Search results

  1. C

    Male or female?

    Nice one. me too
  2. C

    Male or female?

    Yeah go for it good luck you in the UK mate
  3. C

    Male or female?

    Did they not come from a good source, only one way find out I guess. You might be surprised.
  4. C

    Reg/Fem seeds

    Hi mate, Wouldn't really be fair to name any names, but just found seeds from the US much more better.
  5. C

    To flush or not to flush, that isn't the question

    Wow, never heard that before, So many swear by flushing out a week or two before it comes down
  6. C

    Male or female?

    Shit sorry.
  7. C

    Male or female?

    Just been looking at some pictures of male female. Yours looks a little early to tell to be honest, Look for the little white hairs, tiny twin antennas
  8. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Brilliant sounds lovely. Thanks mate.
  9. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Wonderful, thank you very much for that info mate.
  10. C

    Some Growing Math

    That's so true, its happening everywhere
  11. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thank you mate, much appreciated.
  12. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi mate, Be really interested to know what your BB3 is like, just got some from Dark Horse Genetics. Cheers
  13. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi, So do you have to put a regular seed/plant into flower before you can tell its sex. Thanks
  14. C

    Some Growing Math

    Most of it isn't that great either.
  15. C

    Strawberry Shortcake - Dark Horse Genetics

    I learn something new every day, cheers mate. Be lucky
  16. C

    Strawberry Shortcake - Dark Horse Genetics

    I got some BB#3 Fems, and Kings Banner reg seeds, ThanoZ F2 from DHG the other day . Have you done any of there's before, be really Interested to hear what you think in the future on the one s you got.
  17. C

    Strawberry Shortcake - Dark Horse Genetics

    That's was interesting. Thank you.
  18. C

    Reg/Fem seeds

    Thanks mate.
  19. C

    Reg/Fem seeds

    I was only asking as I'm in Europe, Was only asking the question, as I live in Europe, The quality of product be it in Holland or Spain has got nothing on the stuff they have in California So was just wondering is it because we have inferior seeds here in Europe, even heard some people say...
  20. C

    Reg/Fem seeds

    Thanks for all your replies, really appreciate it guys.