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  1. F

    Is this plant a hermie? (image heavy)

    Thanks for the replies guys. man this sucks. This is my only plant. I grew this from a bag seed just using light and water and a bit of left over plant food (i was too broke to afford a proper set up). I kind of started growing it just to see if i could, im suprised it actually got this far. It...
  2. F

    Is this plant a hermie? (image heavy)

    Hey guys. This is my first grow and I thought my plant was female. But today Ive noticed a few things that look like pollen sacks. It seems to have both pistils and pollen sacks. i was hoping someone could tell me wether this is a hermie. Heres a few pics, sorry about the quality of some of...
  3. F

    Spots on my leaves

    Ok thanks. I think maybe its over watered too. im gonna clean the room and not water for a while. Cheers Mate
  4. F

    Spots on my leaves

    thanks for the reply. no bugs under the leaves. could i put it back in the greenhouse and just let it flower naturally? or would changing the light cycle now its been on 12/12 for a week cause problems?
  5. F

    Spots on my leaves

    Hey I recently noticed these spots on my leaves. does anyone know what they are? should i be worried? generally the plant looks pretty healthy this is my first grow and Ive done it with just natural light and water (im broke so i dont have lights). the plant was in a greenhouse until...
  6. F

    Should I start flowering? and some other questions

    Thanks for the advice guys.
  7. F

    Should I start flowering? and some other questions

    Hey. Its my first time growing and Ive got a few questions. First here is a pic of my plant and some background info: Im broke so Ive grown it naturally just using water, natural light and some plant food (im not sure what kind so I only use a little bit heavily diluted, the plant likes...