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  1. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

    hanging right now
  2. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  3. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  4. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  5. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  6. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  7. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  8. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

    The rest r some freebies. Sweet zombie, chocolate heaven n chemdog guava
  9. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

    This is lemon hammer known to be selected lemon bean x lemon bean. I got five seeds only 1 survive…the rest r very weak n didn’t make it. Is regular strain….but I guess she is a female.
  10. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  11. GrowMariguana

    Lemon Bean F2

  12. GrowMariguana

    Regret the deal

    recommended from a friend of mine
  13. GrowMariguana

    Regret the deal

    Since we do not bow to china or Chinese dicks. I decided to quit and drop the project until this stage. we took half money ...we deliver half. and I don't fucking cares. Its not about money anymore...I would do the app for FREE if I am dealing with a good person. I had enough for the blame and...
  14. GrowMariguana

    Regret the deal

    I code in many languages, such as JAVA,Python,PHP,Javascript,Objective-C or little swift some time
  15. GrowMariguana

    Regret the deal

    Same thought. I need some undetectable payload. If you interested to set these Chinese dick up. PM me.
  16. GrowMariguana

    Regret the deal

    I am so regret. I got paid 2.5k upfront for a wallet app. For sure i am not responsible for the use of the app. I sell code. Not getting involved with anything
  17. GrowMariguana

    Regret the deal

    I accepted a deal to develop a wallet app. (Backend,iOS android). Eventually they don’t understand what is Development n 2 months had passed and the backend n iOS is ready for test and i have shown them the build n did not satisfy them. We r expected some changes ofcause. But once...
  18. GrowMariguana

    Mutant red purp: female seeds

    3 weeks old ….get rid of it or leave it alone
  19. GrowMariguana

    Strawberry gum

    U think this is powdery mildew?
  20. GrowMariguana

    Powdery mildew

    Is the powdery mildew?