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  1. N

    Lower thc in hemp with citric acid

    Yes I am using citric and fulvic acid for that . Citric acid also makes P more easy to transport in the plant so gives more weight and it kills bacteria and molds
  2. N

    Lower thc in hemp with citric acid

    If you want to sell hemp as hemp the thc level has to be below 0.35%. thc otherwise it is considered marijuana
  3. N

    Lower thc in hemp with citric acid

    I am a new hemp grower and was wondering if anybody has done something on trying to lower thc levels in hemp with citric acid
  4. N

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hi everyone just joined today, am a grower on industrial hemp( greenhouse ) in Ontario just started harvesting my first crop and it has been a very inte resting grow so far