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  1. Bernie420

    First time grower

    I get the impression that your nutes were too hot at least that is what it looks like to me. And maybe the spider mites are stressing it out
  2. Bernie420

    The secret knowledge that no-one tells newbies.

    really thats the single most important skill to master ? How to top a plant and pick off a leaf?
  3. Bernie420

    Yellow and brown spots on my plants.

    How close was the light? I agree it looks like the light was too close. Did the top bud under the light look like a little piece of cauliflower at one point?
  4. Bernie420

    Should I try and fix this issue 2 weeks before harvest?

    its a mag deficiency and no dont do anything about it the plants look good.
  5. Bernie420

    Help required please....

    I would take it back and demand a refund I say demand because hydro stores are pricks at returning anything.. I dont see were it says that it has any microbes in it. Microbes as in great white, Raw brand microbes, re-charge are microbe products. The plant pictured looks over watered to me so...
  6. Bernie420

    Led light burn symtom?

    actually there isn't anything wrong with you lights. And you probably have spider mites and thrips because I see what looks to be thrip damage. Spider mite damage looks like little dots and thrip damage are a bit elongated. But whatever party on.
  7. Bernie420

    Led light burn symtom?

    It looks like to me you have some serious thrip damage.
  8. Bernie420

    Guess the deficiency

    Whats the center molecule in chlorophyll production.? And I didnt say nitrogen and whats a ph def.? and plants dont want nitrogen in week six learn what a plant wants at the different stages of growth please.
  9. Bernie420

    Can anyone help with this?

    Your too hot drop ec to .07 - .08 get some kelp and use it in veg to make the roots pop and get some microbes or hydroguard to clean it all up and they will be perky in a few days .
  10. Bernie420

    Clones not rooting

    well i got nothing so far So they have been sitting next to my t-5 veg tent no sunlight I assume it needs sunlight to form roots? Cuz i doesnt have anything, not a nub, nothing and they are starting to fade out. And on a side note i hadnt switched out any water I forgot so when you say very...
  11. Bernie420

    Deformed new growth on clones

    mag deficiency for starters. might need more calcium also along with phosphorous as well Whats the ph? Whats the water temp? Maybe feed every four hours lower ppms to 450 a plant that size in hydro 450 would be the max with a healthy plant, since its ill might want to lower it to 400 or even...
  12. Bernie420

    HELP!!! Any suggestions as to why these plants are so unhappy? Don't want to lose them!

    well I dont know what power it is set at thing I would do is raise the light up as needed and slow the grow and let them recover. That would be my advise to you as far as that. Party on.
  13. Bernie420

    My seedlings are dying, please help!

    I would put them in a larger pot when needed and cut it down at the corners to give the roots some place to escape while it should dissolve. Maybe even cut the bottom off.
  14. Bernie420

    HELP!!! Any suggestions as to why these plants are so unhappy? Don't want to lose them!

    ehh looks normal to me. I want to see a pic of the 1000w led burning the plant. What you have is light stress/light toxicity.
  15. Bernie420

    Guess the deficiency

    they are mag whores blotchy leaves the red petiole is an indicator as well. You need to up the mag as needed in late flower. Any time really but in late flower they are working hard to make bud, mag is the center molecule for photosynthesis.
  16. Bernie420

    Guess the deficiency

    It doesnt look like its P in the pics but they do like their P. Its mag and they are crazy for the mag. 1tsp of epsom salt will get you about 250 ppm of mag per gal. Notice I didnt say add cal/mag. Mag makes the plant green nitrogen makes it grow. And you dont want to feed it any nitrogen at...
  17. Bernie420

    HELP!!! Any suggestions as to why these plants are so unhappy? Don't want to lose them!

    that isnt your problem If you read my first post I was getting at that the bottom of the cardboard pot will look wet and probably be wet because of gravity and that water is wet and all. You pots dont look over watered to me at least the top of the soil it doesnt .
  18. Bernie420

    HELP!!! Any suggestions as to why these plants are so unhappy? Don't want to lose them!

    Ok is the led at full strength or something is it dimmed down???? I hope so cuz a 1000 watt led light at 12 inches away is just to put it bluntly = is fucking crazy. That plant with a 1000w led should be 3 feet away / or more 3.5 feet - its an led. And I know you said you dont like cfl but I...
  19. Bernie420

    Guess the deficiency

    ok since nobody guessed right you have a mag deficiency 1 tsp per gal of epsom salt gets you there. Those leaves that are jacked wont come back so dont try to think about it. No you dont need to use cal/mag every watering and probably shouldnt, if you use r/o dont remember if you do then maybe...