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  1. J

    Odd looking leaf issue

    Yep, Thrips. So, any thoughts on how to eliminate them? Does this stuff work? Thank you! --Jovack
  2. J

    Odd looking leaf issue

    Looks like Thrips maybe? Shake of the branches over a white piece of paper revealed the source..
  3. J

    Odd looking leaf issue

    Attached a few pictures of someone up with my leafs. I initially started looking due to the white like "shine" I was seeing. Almost like a different texture. Upon looking closer, I noticed the black dots. Any idea what this is? FYI, the plants are growing fine and I even see this on a...
  4. J

    Question about a slow start

    Here is the setup: Seeds from Nirvana - AK48 and WW. Used rockwool cubes to germinate. All seemed to go well. I did adjust the pH and used distilled water (corrected pH) for watering at the start. One day after the seedling sprouted, I placed them under CFL lighting that was about 12 inches...