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  1. Am I Norml

    NooB Advice

    if you want her to thicken up every other week untie her and let her streach for a few days in flower.... will also send more resin to the buds creating more bud size ... lst is cool but it makes plants build alot of stem when in flower and from the looks you don't need more stem...and don't...
  2. Am I Norml

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    im a die hard CFL grower and here is a easy equation for you to help y'all figure out how much wattage per square foot of space... you want 2000 lumens per square foot of floorspace ... as long as you cover that your golden.... another easy way to do it for a single plant is one main bulb over...
  3. Am I Norml

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    yea i got a few pm's saying that isn't very ghetto going to hydro like that...lmfao ... coarse it is!! i got all the stuff at ace hardware and total cost of the build for the hydro unit without the resivor and pump was only 14 bucks :) im looking around for a cheap resivor...prolly gonna be a...
  4. Am I Norml

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    i keep getting pm's asking me *NORML what are you up to these days* and i have been posting off and on but haven't really been letting the *cat out of the bag* so to speak so for all my ghetto friends out there im gonna toss a little taste of it out there and if that isnt enough ill be happy to...
  5. Am I Norml

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    with mylar intensity on your CFL's is never a issue...the light reflection and saved lumens makes up for the hassle of putting it up :)
  6. Am I Norml

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    ill bet those trimmings fan leaves and all would make some killer hashbongsmilie
  7. Am I Norml

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    if you destroyed its ability to reproduce the seeds that isn't a problem...just clone it and get seeds off the next ones :)
  8. Am I Norml

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    oh i totally agree there is some strains out there that ive tryed to grow that are easy carefree grows with no surprises and no trouble at all and some of them are so needy....they work you to death and in the end ... nothing but disapontment in the overall end product and sometimes it just the...
  9. Am I Norml

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    yea still tryin but after about 5 prototypes it has become kinda a side project when i got time for it but rest assured once i get it everyone gets it :)
  10. Am I Norml

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    that or you get yourself someone that don't know jack about growing...i did lol :)
  11. Am I Norml

    2plants 1pot

    it really depends on the size of the pot i once grew 8 in a 50 gallon pot with a little LST and they grew fine and got tons of weed off them and it was all killer all i can say is try it and if you don't like the results go back to one to a pot..... life is about...
  12. Am I Norml

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    every since i first saw that gravity fed waterer Ive been trying to make one that could be put on a timer to use while away on vacation or some such occurrence and haven't been able to yet without running alot of plants off it and then just letting it empty....all is not lost yet tho....I LOVE...
  13. Am I Norml

    2plants 1pot

    pix of multiple plants in one pot and how they was developing in one of my old threads
  14. Am I Norml

    Stones Journal

    jar it all at once otherwise it will be like curing 2 different crops instead of one
  15. Am I Norml

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    oh there is really no comparison...when he grows them he lets his resin production get channeled into seed production so the weed comes out so-so but when i grow them seedless i get 100% of the resin production and mine comes out 150 times better then the original bongsmilie there is nothing...
  16. Am I Norml

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    if your running the HPS about all the good the CFL's would do is make killer side lighting but your right basically ....below or side lighting but putting them up by your HPS is definitely out
  17. Am I Norml

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    OK time for a little game of confessions.... i got this buddy you see...he just loves to grow weed and he thinks he is Mr. Ganja ... sooooo... since he has absolutely no clue how to tell females from males he makes seedy weed all the time... well he goes online and he buys all these exotic...
  18. Am I Norml

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    \\ sorry man im a ghetto grower...i use low cost nutes and i feel the higher priced ones are a waste of money...(i know ill get flamed for this one lol) but its all good ...just make sure that the nute ratios are all good for the cycle your in and make sure they provide the micro nutrients and...
  19. Am I Norml

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    OK guys just in case you are new or have absolutely no clue what im talking about im gonna toss this one out there for the people in the cheap seats... you keep hearing me and JumboSwisher talking about MRSing a plant and how it increases yield.. here is the basics...the only catch is you have...
  20. Am I Norml

    Stones Journal

    great job SS lookin good man !!