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  1. F

    Need some assistance.

    Oh no, I'm quite intelligent actually, so never assume, because I'm sure you know firsthand what happens when you do that. Idiot. And I'm more of a man than you will ever be. I've dealt with shit over the last 10 years I guarantee you wouldn't have the balls to handle son. And my attitude...
  2. F

    Need some assistance.

    Oh no, I'm of age, by far. And I don't give a damn what "you fuck with", what, am I supposed to be afraid of you? Don't get your hopes up there Tinkerbell. What? Oooooh you gonna shoot me like a tough guy? Guess what, only pussies that can't win a fair fight have to resort to guns. And I'm...
  3. F

    Need some assistance.

    Wow, plants need care? Really? Noooooo, you don't say. I'm aware there Captain Obvious. It's not like I just planted the thing and left it there. I checked on it daily. This is my FIRST time growing, so go fuck yourself and eat a dick asswipe. And this "lame ass" will be more than happy to...
  4. F

    Need some assistance.

    Laser, You have an awfully big mouth for such a little "man." Keep talkin that shit from a distance, if you ever grow some balls by all means come out this way and let's see if you have the guts to talk your shit to my face. And you can grow, good for you, doesn't change the fact you're a...
  5. F

    Need some assistance.

    2much, Thanks man , I appreciate your response. You and the others who have been civil. Good to see that not everyone on here is a dick.
  6. F

    Need some assistance.

    Yourlocal. Short term memory much? You were one of the ones running your mouth. So goddamn lame being so anal over a friggin chat room. The little "notification" you and others keep going on and on about, guess what, IT NEVER POPPED UP. So get the hell over it. By the way, Ali G, and everything...
  7. F

    Need some assistance.

    ----------------------------------------------------- I appreciate the advice man. But honestly, I'm not even sure if it's going to bud or not. Been waiting and waiting to see some kind of output, but all I've seen so far is the flowers and seeds. So I dunno what the hell to do.
  8. F

    Need some assistance.

    Not sure what to do. I looked up pics of male plants, and there's not "banana" looking flowers, they look like normal flowers, with orange and white hairs, and there's crystals on the leaves, the pollen sacks are in like 2 or 3 places. What I need to know now is should I just yank it up since...
  9. F

    Need some assistance.

    Well, it may be a lost cause. After closer inspection, what I thought were bud clusters, were actually seed casings. I followed the plant's progression and it exhibited all the characteristics of a female plant, but I think it may be male or a hermaphrodite plant. Then I found some pollen in a...
  10. F

    Need some assistance.

    Potsmokin, Nevermind man, I googled it. So is it pretty much just like a nutrient based plant food? Do you think the problem is lack of nutrients, or could it be possible over watering?
  11. F

    Need some assistance.

    kmoo, I don't give a damn who they are, they're rude pricks that need to get over themselves. By all means, bite me Bubba. Potsmokinbastard, No idea what that is man. Enlighten me please.
  12. F

    Need some assistance.

    Aqua, Gotcha, I plan on posting some pics when it's daylight out. Not trying to "shock" the plant while it's in dark cycle.
  13. F

    Need some assistance.

    Since the chat room folks wanna be unhelpful little lamers, I'll try here. And I know there's a "plant hospital" forum, but figured I'd post here since I'm new and it's my first grow. So please bear with me. I'm having a problem. Have a plant that's been growing since mid to late May...