A good one ta pal. Got fucking smashed, pretty much all weekend. Kept fitting occaisonal sly doob in between drinks. Was ruined by 4pm on Sunday afternoon.
Good shit.
Only booster of any kind I give is PK cos that what the plants need, not even a booster to me fair as they run through PK massively once hit week 5.
Never used a booster or that Ripen you lot use.
Mate it was fucking magical, I paid a ton for a g. I had to cut it down, and even then, 4 of us were pretty blitzed and a tiny bit left over in morning. Top shizzle. Will only get it if my dude say its a special one.
Gonna be smoking a few fat ones this morning, then heading out to a pub in town that does a good feed, get that done, few jars, plenty more doobs, whitey, eat, smoke, then sleep.
Plan is set!
I saw a couple on one plant, picked em off as a precaution and saw no more, got a couple more sins from that batch about 10 inches tall now so we will see if these ones hermi.