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  1. DoeEyed

    DenseBud's 400-watt HGS Avalanche w/ FoxFarm Nutes & Soil Grow

    They look good. Is #3 a different strain, or she just didn't stretch as fast?
  2. DoeEyed

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    Cool, can't wait to see what you make out of it - loved your last DIY reflector.
  3. DoeEyed

    3600 Watt Dutch tables (Jamaican Pineapple)

    Hey looking good in there, what a huge grow - be interesting to see what kind of weight you pull from this! Now that your buds are filling in - don't forget the occassional closeup for those of us that love bud porn!
  4. DoeEyed

    My PLANTS DEAD.In Need OF seeds

    You can get seeds from The Attitude:
  5. DoeEyed

    Noticed a hermie too late. Now what?

    Any other females in there are already pollinated. Pluck any other pollen sacks you can find, finish growing it out - you can still get some good bud, it'll just be seedy.
  6. DoeEyed

    Wonders Medical Grow: Round 2

    Glad it was an easy fix for ya, wonder. Your girls should be fine.
  7. DoeEyed

    Hey hope to see you around more. You should check out my flowering girls, journal's in the sig...

    Hey hope to see you around more. You should check out my flowering girls, journal's in the sig, latest pics post 46 I think.
  8. DoeEyed

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower coke... alright, that's pretty damn low. You might wanna run a thread in the plant problems section, get more ideas - I can't honestly say if that much baking soda would be good for them or not, but maybe someone else can help you better with that - and I do agree, it needs to be...
  9. DoeEyed

    Planted first plant

    You need more light. MJ needs a minimum of 3000 lumens per square foot, 5000 lumens and above, recommended. I'm suprised it's even growing, if your lumens are that low.
  10. DoeEyed

    Wonders Medical Grow: Round 2

    Yeah that sucks, especially with a room full of plants. Sounds like something inside your AC crapped out. You could maybe put that fan upstairs on a timer, to blow the colder air in every os often, or maybe on steady low, to control it until you replace the AC.
  11. DoeEyed

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    The thing with soil, is issues don't arise the minute they start happening. Your plants could look ok now, but if that meter is correct, at that low of a PH, you will have problems down the road here. Think I would get another meter to be sure first, though, with that large a discrepancy.
  12. DoeEyed

    Room Size For 1000 watt but Have a 400..Any Help!

    Nah, 8x8 isn't too big, I think I would just roll with it until you get your other light.
  13. DoeEyed

    Cold Nights

    If you're only dropping to 58, for lights out, then no - you won't need the space heaters. (Might have to reconsider though, if you choose a tropical strain).
  14. DoeEyed

    what sort of yeild would i get?

    Not to make waves or anything, but if you've already been growing for a year, shouldn't you already have an idea of what your yield will be?
  15. DoeEyed

    Cold Nights

    Yep, my temps run about 75-78 lights on, and drop to close to 55 right now, lights out. You can see pics of my current plants flowering here, post #43 is the latest update: They are doing fine, cold be damned.
  16. DoeEyed

    I need help. Im a super new grower.

    For nutrients, I use Jack's Classic All Purpose (20-20-20) for veg, and that combined with Jack's Classic Blossom Booster (10-30-20) for flower, as well as molasses about once a week. Jack's Classic have worked well for me, and cost a fraction of some of the more well known nutes. I buy...
  17. DoeEyed

    How much longer, +reps

    Roughly, yeah. If it helps, when my own plants get about 90% milky trichs with a scattered amber here or there, she usually finishes a week later. Other strains may vary some, but as a rough idea, there ya go. You can chop her early if you have to, as long as she's got mostly milky trichs...
  18. DoeEyed

    WIP Grow Log First Grow BagSeed

    Are you sure it isn't nute burn? It's natural for the starter leaves to die off, and usually you don't want to start giving nutes until your girls are at least three weeks of age.
  19. DoeEyed

    How much longer, +reps

    I'd give her maybe two more weeks. Very pretty, btw!
  20. DoeEyed

    bag seed or bought seed? worth it or not?

    It's very possible to grow good weed with bagseed - after all, just because someone doesn't know the name of the strain in the bag, doesn't mean it doesn't have a strain. It's even better for your first grow or two, so you aren't paying good money on something you'll take out your "growing...