Search results

  1. Katatawnic

    First Closet Grow (CFL) (Pics)

    You too, eh? Must be contagious. :roll: ;) :hug:
  2. Katatawnic

    Pics of the new girls

    I broke down and lollipopped (or something that's supposed to resemble it anyhow, lol) night before last. There wasn't enough air circulation at the bottom of the plants; it also was insanely difficult to get in there to water. I recycled a large number of the pruned bud sites.... they're now...
  3. Katatawnic

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    It'd help those who understand the "AA" vs. "Aa" and the likes. :lol: Can that photo's abbreviations be broken down for breeding n00bs? :mrgreen:
  4. Katatawnic

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Oh yeah, I can already see a difference! I've got three girls in flower and two NLs in veg that are still in soil; and a clone from my flowering BH and a 5 wk. old WW now vegging in coco. Nothing from day one in coco yet though, seed nor clone. This AK seed and a couple of NL cuttings I took...
  5. Katatawnic

    Brainstorm & NL #5 x Haze Grow!

    YW.... :hug: And it sure is! :clap:
  6. Katatawnic

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    Welcome back, Chi! :hug:
  7. Katatawnic

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    Beautiful AK, just beautiful! :weed: Now that is some LST in action, and without a lot of tying at that! :clap: If you love the results half as much as I do, you'll end up tying every plant you'll ever grow in the future like I'm already doing! :lol: Yeah, I'm trying to come out of...
  8. Katatawnic

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Nope, no more bubbles. I can't grow hydro in the summer where I live: So. CA Mojave. The heat invited a pythium attack and almost killed my babies, but I saved them and kept them going in much cooler soil. Plus, I started out with hydro because I thought it'd be easier on my body than moving...
  9. Katatawnic

    Doing it right vs. Just doing it.

    It's easy to see what these factors do, but for anyone to call this an "experiment" is beyond me. Experimenting what works better for one's growing methods gives solid results when only one or two differences exist. For example, one comparison I'm doing right now is with cloning.... half of...
  10. Katatawnic

    5 strain BP grow 400w. HID

    Go to and check out the local dispensary sites. Many sites have pages/info for vendors, and I've heard that people looking to form or join co-ops often find each other via these sites as well as at the dispensaries. :D
  11. Katatawnic

    First Closet Grow (CFL) (Pics)

    Looking great! :clap: Did you tie further, and if so, got pics? :mrgreen:
  12. Katatawnic

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Can't answer that, as I've not used just perlite. I am now, however, using coco in my newer pots, and it's "virtually impossible" to over water. (Many say impossible, but nothing is. lol)
  13. Katatawnic

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Quite the opposite; it's very easy to over water when using a pot too large. :hump:
  14. Katatawnic

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    UB doesn't lollipop. ;) Last reply I remember UB making to a lollipop question was, "What's lollipopping?" :lol: If you want to learn how to do it correctly, talk to GypsyBush and/or M Blaze. There are many other experienced growers who lollipop, but these are the two I know off the top of my...
  15. Katatawnic

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Thank you, BC! :hug: This helps make sense of it all. :hump: Do you know if there are threads dedicated to F1, F2, etc.? I'd really like to learn all I can about this, before getting further into breeding than my NLs. :D I gave you the negative rep, for calling him childish when you were...
  16. Katatawnic

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Thank you for such a fast response! :hug: And for the "smart" observation; common sense dictated just light misting using a spray bottle. ;) And yes, I've got drain holes in all my cups, as well as clear cups for humidity domes that also have small holes in them for ventilation; not that I ever...
  17. Katatawnic

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hi all, I just put an Afghan Kush seed to germ in a 16 oz. cup filled with coco. (I don't do the paper towel method, etc.; I prefer to germ right in the grow medium so I don't have to mess with sensitive tap roots.) I first got the coco soaked with pH'd water mixed with rooting hormones, then...
  18. Katatawnic

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    Exactly! I live in So. CA, and the cost of living is disgustingly horrendous! And although I'm sure there are some people who move to an MMJ state, I highly doubt it's done often. People have jobs, family, friends, homes, lives.... they're just supposed to pick up and leave it all so that they...
  19. Katatawnic

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Question One: I'm just starting to have a slight grasp of F1, F2, etc., but very slight indeed. Are there threads dedicated to this? (I've not found any, but of course that doesn't mean anything. lol) I harvested NL pollen a few days ago, and have two NLs that'll be going into the flowering...
  20. Katatawnic

    Butters' 400w SCROG Perpetual w/ Coco Hempy Style - Various Strains

    I should have clarified.... the cuttings are in 16 oz. plastic cups filled with coco. So when they take root, they'll remain right in there until it's time to move them into larger containers. Want not, waste not! :blsmoke: I'll definitely update the progress of the cuttings in coco vs. rockwool...