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  1. G

    Hello friends.

    Hey green g!aint here how'd that critical kush turn out for ya yield wise. Just got beans from Barney myself.
  2. G

    Cocoa tu-tu wearing princess from the D!

    Born and bread. Same here trying to feels things out. Maybe learn a thing or two on the way.
  3. G

    Growing southwest D style The Green G!ant

    Hey green g!ant here. What Michigan sites are we talking about I'm already familiar with. MMMA
  4. G

    Growing southwest D style The Green G!ant

    :clap: So I'm a new guy on this site looking forward to learn and help spread knowledge. Will post pics as soon as I learn how lol. Gotta a green thumb but not real smooth on the I pad yet. Bare with me......
  5. G

    2000 watt, 3 plants scrog update!!!! pics

    I'm a new guy but I did the same thing pretty much couple runs ago only difference I used 10 gallon squat pots. I got 17 on critical mass 10 on herijjuana and 8 on a sour diesel. Great set up so 35 total. Little low but not bad for first scrogging only growing three ladies. Green g!ant looking...