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  1. S

    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Hey Guys, No update for a long time... My plants are doing great, they are 43 days into vegging, I am thinking to start 12/12 around 51 days... let me know. Also, should I cut the lower branched now so I have all attention to top cola, or wait till I start 12/12?
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    I just added 1/4 strength Advanced Nutrients Grow-Micro-Bloom, so in my 35L tank, I did 15ml-15ml-3ml. pH: 5.5 EC: 0.4 What says guys? Also, Advanced Nutrients website says to add Micro then Grow then Bloom, I did Grow Micro Bloom, would this have a considerable effect? Thanks
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    hi guys, I still very concerned about my plants, I have followed all advice to the details and still nothing. If you look at my pictures in the last post, the top right plant was the healthiest, big leaves, green. In the last couple of days the leaves have rust like spots and are yellowing a...
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    My power got shut off for a few hours!!!!!!! Help what to do.

    What I've learnt from most people and advanced growers is: During flowering, the most important time is to give your plants 12 hours of darkness. I am still a newbie and going on with my 1st grow, I was worried about the same problem since we were having many power cuts in our locality.
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Thanks again aficionado! I am growing from seeds and the roots are now getting denser, now they are nice and long, but no root balls. I'll follow your lead and wait couple of days, see how the plant fairs and add 1/4 nute. More advice! Grow my little babies... grow!!
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Thanks aficionado! Taking a sigh of relief. So I am not changing the res to 1/4 strength? When do you think is the right time, of course I will see how the plant reacts in the next couple of days, but just as an average, res change in how many days/weeks? I have added another circulation fan...
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Hi Guys, I am really worried about my plants. I flushed them day before yesterday with only Root Stimulator and pH-ed water. The leaves are drooping/wilting, but all in all the leaves look nice and green, roots white. I am going to add 1/4 strength nutrient today, using Advanced Nutrients...
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Thank you people! Really appreciate the response. Will keep updated how things go! Now, I just sit and wait. During this wait, I wanted to address some grow room mods, optimize ventilation maybe. Is Active Intake > Active Exhaust a good thing? When it comes to this, I get really confused...
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    First Grow, Medical Grow - Aurora Indica

    Great grow... how tall are those plants? Are you @ full strength nutes in the Veg room?
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Hey Guys... hope growing goin good... just a small update. I changed my res with distilled water today as suggested to flush out all the extra stuff that spotting/burning them. Plant Age: Day 24 New Nutes in Tank 40 L: Distilled water Advanced Hydroponic Root Stimulator @ 1ml / L (but I put...
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    thanks guys.. will incoporate these changes and see how it goes... will take some more pictures this weekend and update... cheers
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    @ jonboy30/GranolaGumbo: Can you please elaborate the progression for nutes for a plants life cycle, something like 1/4 strength after 1st month... basically I need a head start with dosing... @ aficionado: Keeping water in an open bucket raise RH, no? Since I am changing res today... I won't...
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    pH Adjustment Question - Please help

    cool ... thanks.
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Hey All, Roots look nice and white and as my nose permits I didn't find any strange rotting smell either from res tank or roots. After valuable info from you guys I have decided to change the res completely today with 1/2 strenght nutrient solution, good idea? Hopefully my babies will...
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    @canniboss: I did wonder about the droplets escaping from the net pots so I used some neoprene collars to seal them. I am going to change the res tomorrow with 1/2 strength nutes and then see how it goes. More help would be great... thank you people.
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    pH Adjustment Question - Please help

    Hey... thanks for the reply... My res is 50L... how long should I wait?
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Guys... please please help!
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    WOW! Thanks guys for the prompt reply. Really appreciate it! Nutes: 3/4 strength solution is good at this stage, I didn't want to give them full strength during transplant. Additives (both @ 1/2 strenght of label): ATA Zyme ATA Clean Water: Distilled Water Grow Room Setup: 4' X 4' X 7.5'...
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    Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!

    Hi Guys, I have some Durban Poison, Jorge's Diamonds #1 and some White Widow X Unknown, Afghani #1 Setup: Amazon Aeroponic System (Raised in Aeroponic Propagator) 4' X 4' Grow area 8 X 85W CFL (42400 lum) which are 4" - 5" from the tops. Nute: Atami B'Cuzz Hydro A + B (3/4 strength solution...
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    pH Adjustment Question - Please help

    Hey Guys, I am using Atami BCuzz nutes and they recommend pH 5.5 - 5.8. I am using an aeroponic system and distilled water. How long should I wait before re-testing the nut tank pH? I use drop by drop pH Up/Down to correct it. Thanks a ton.